5.5.2022 | 21:43
Japan er til í alvöru
Maður spyr sig.
'Nam aftur. Allir höfðu gaman af 'Nam.
"The US is stepping up its efforts to train Ukrainian troops in Europe on weapons systems Washington is pouring into Ukraine. Pentagon officials detailed the training to reporters on Wednesday.
The US first started training Ukrainian forces after the 2014 US-backed coup in Kyiv that ousted former President Viktor Yanukovych."
"Diesel prices hit a new all-time high on Thursday.
This was another Biden record. Joe Bidens first actions as president were to cut off the Keystone Pipeline and make energy development more expensive in America."
Eldsneytisverð er tnegt um alla jörðina.
"At one point in the piece published Tuesday, Koebler wrote that the abortion-inducing ingredient misoprostol is used to treat ulcers in horses. Critics noted the irony, given previous reporting by VICE which previously claimed that Joe Rogan "spread misinformation" about ivermectin "the horse-deworming drug he took" when the podcaster contracted COVID."
Internetið sér jákvæðu hliðarnar.
Tilvist Japans er ekki samsæriskenning. Þú getur fundið japan á korti, þú getur jafnvel farið til Japan.
Verðið samt að fara sem fyrst, áður en landið fyllist af vélmennum.
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