8.5.2022 | 20:27
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Fóstureyšinga-aktķvistar terrorisera dómara
"Around 100 pro-abortion activists took their protests to the homes of two conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices on Saturday night in the aftermath of a leaked draft opinion, according to which the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling is set to be overturned.
Numerous states are set to ban abortion once the Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade. States that continue to allow abortion may see an influx of pregnant women seeking such services."
Stušningsmenn fóstureyšinga eru bestu rök meš fóstureyšingum sem ég veit um.
Ķsraelar verša varir viš heilsufarsvandamįl eftir sprautur
"A recent study in Israel revealed more than a 25% increase in calls in Israels National Emergency Medical Services (IEMS) concerning emergency cardiovascular events in the 16 to 39 age group during the Covid-19 vaccination rollout."
Hvernig er žaš hér?
"Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning has led a larger than usual strike group to train in the western Pacific as tensions rise over Taiwan.
Escorting the Liaoning were five destroyers, including a Type 055 the most powerful such warship in the Chinese navy as well as one frigate and one supply ship."
Muniši hvernig fór seinast žegar žaš voru meirihįttar heręfingar meš öllum hernum?
Blašamašur į sósķalķskum mišli tekinn fyrir įrįsir į trśarlegar byggingar
"Portland reporter Mike Bivins was arrested on Saturday over alleged attacks of vandalism and arson at houses of worship, according to the Portland Police Bureau.
On May 2, Bivins allegedly graffitied the Jewish Synagogue Congregation Beth Israel, located at 1972 NW Flanders in Portland.
The following day, on May 3, Bivins allegedly set fire to Muslim Community Center of Portland, a mosque that was occupied during the time of the attack."
Žessir leftistar. Hata alla.
Medķunni er svosem ekkert treystandi
Kanadķsk leyniskytta var ekkert hrifin af Śkraķnu
"He claimed there was inadequate weaponry, poor training and heavy losses, as well as profiteering and desertion in the ranks."
Binkov um mįliš. Sovéskar gręjur eru innilega lélegar, ef marka mį žetta hjį honum. Allt bilar bara. Žarf ekki einu sinni aš skjóta į žaš.
En, jį... UAZ 452 er POS, og ég er ekkert viss um aš B;P 2 hafi veriš framleiddir sķšan 1990.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.