9.5.2022 | 16:32
Djöflar á sveimi
"On May 5, Thursday, some unknown men dug out the corpse of a teenage girl and raped it in the Chak Kamala village in Gujrat, Pakistan.
This is not the first such incident in Pakistan. In 2021, some unknown men had carried out a similar barbaric act in Maulvi Ashraf Chandio village near coastal town Ghulamullah. In 2019, OpIndia also reported about in similar crime wherein a group of unidentified men dug up the grave of a woman in a graveyard in Karachis Landhi Town area and raped the dead body."
"We are not saying the girls are demons. We are reporting a demon-like image appears in the screengrab. In fact, the demon looks nothing like the female protester in the video."
Sumar fréttir eru bara skemmtilegri en aðrar.
Katólska kirkjan kemur til hjálpar.
Kannski er þetta ekki bull í GP...?
"Pro-abortion activists are threatening to burn the Eucharist after a Twitter user offered to pray for them for the activists' "change-of-heart" regarding abortion."
Rabbi podcast
"No ,its not hysterical or alarmist ,They will traffic babies that many women cant afford to keep .There is a huge money making market world wide for babies and behind that is organ trafficking the majority Supreme Court justices are officially the satanic force."
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