Mexíkanski Pizza söngleikurinn, með Dolly Parton, ofl.

Rape of Britain, annar hluti

Það sem er ekki talað um.  Því það er bannað. Því nauðgarar eru friðhelgir núna.

Borgarstjóri Chicago vill koma af stað stríði

""To my friends in the LGBTQ+ community—the Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms," she wrote in a Monday tweet, adding "We will not surrender our rights without a fight—a fight to victory!""

... en af hverju?

"So - citizens arming up to protect themselves against gun-toting thugs in murderous Chicago: Bad.

LGBTQ+ citizens arming themselves against the Supreme Court over in an actual insurrection: Good

"If this isn’t a call to insurrection, what is?" tweeted Texas Scorecard publisher Michael Quinn Sullivan."

Ég veit lítið sem ekkert um USA lög, EN: STATES RIGHTS.  Borgarstjóri Chicago er of militant til að stressa sig á slíku, virðist vera.

Einn seinn að taka eftir.

Þessi fyrirsögn: "Pro-pedophilia-group-pressures-academic-journal-to-remove-paper-over-defamation"

... hvað.

Mér var reyndar tjáð um daginn að það væri mikill pervertismi að gera lítið úr pedofílum.  Af manni sem var sennilega nýbúinn að sniffa allan þynninn, en samt...

Talandi um pedóa...


Þetta er til

""I'm making #MexicanPizzaTheMusical with @TacoBell," Parton wrote in an Instagram post, which contained a photo of the screenplay.

The satirical musical is "based on the true story of the Internet losing its mind" after the fast-food chain removed the product from its menu in late 2020"


Óeirðir í Kína vegna Kóvitleysu

"The employees were evidently frustrated with the “closed-loop management system” that forced them to live on factory premises, so hundreds of them pushed through security barricades and made a dash for the outside world.

The factory riot was a stunning display of disobedience, given the harsh punishments threatened for those who violate China’s lockdown orders."

Kínverjar eru annálaðir kóvitleysingar.  Enda fundu þeir nú upp Kina-kvefið.  Engin undur.

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