Strķš & žurrmjólk

Rśssland stękkar

"Russia's state-run RIA Novosti news agency is reporting for the first time Wednesday that the Russian military occupied southern Ukrainian city of Kherson will soon petition the Kremlin to become part of the Russian Federation."

Gengur bara vel hjį žeim.

Kaninn splęsir į strķš

"The amounts allocated thus far — the new Biden request of $33 billion combined with the $14 billion already spent — already exceed the average annual amount the U.S. spent for its own war in Afghanistan ($46 billion). In the twenty-year U.S. war in Afghanistan which ended just eight months ago, there was at least some pretense of a self-defense rationale given the claim that the Taliban had harbored Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda at the time of the 9/11 attack. Now the U.S. will spend more than that annual average after just ten weeks of a war in Ukraine that nobody claims has any remote connection to American self-defense.

Even more amazingly, the total amount spent by the U.S. on the Russia/Ukraine war in less than three months is close to Russia's total military budget for the entire year ($65.9 billion)."

Trump gerši aldrei neitt svona.

FDA er viljandi aš auka į žurrmjólkurskort

"An Abbott spokesperson told Tuesday that 'thorough investigation' by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Abbott revealed 'infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection in the reported cases and that there was not an outbreak caused by products from the facility'.

However, despite the findings of the investigation, the plant remains shuttered nearly three months later, fueling the nationwide baby formula shortage."

Žetta var heldur aldrei neitt vandamįl hjį Trump.

Bill Gates fęr Kķna Kvefiš

"“I’ve tested positive for COVID. I’m experiencing mild symptoms and am following the experts’ advice by isolating until I’m healthy again…I’m fortunate to be vaccinated and boosted..."


Fótboltamašur rekinn fyrir aš leysa vind

"it has been reported that the 34-year-old player was bombed out of the team because of his boorish behavior in the locker room, including constantly laughing — even during team discussions — and a habit of loud, stinky farting, CBS Sports reported.

While the OL locker room is now aired out and blissfully free of untoward blasts, the same may not be happening in the locker room of FC Girondins de Bordeaux since Marcelo now plays for France."

Nś stundar hann aftansöng ķ Frans.

Finnar, Svķar og Bretar rotta sig saman

"The UK has agreed “mutual security assurances” with Sweden and Finland, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed on Wednesday, a few days before Stockholm and Helsinki are due to announce their decision on pursuing NATO membership.

Sweden’s ruling party will reveal its stance on NATO membership on May 15, three days after a similar move is expected to be taken by Finland."

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