
Hungursneið veldur óeirðum á Sri Lanka

"Daftari is right, and not just about Iran (and Iraq), but also Sri Lanka, where protesters angry at the soaring prices of everyday commodities including food, have burned down homes belonging to 38 politicians as the crisis-hit country plunged further into chaos, with the government ordering troops to "shoot on sight.""

Þetta getur alveg gerst á vesturlöndum innan skamms.

Bíðið bara þar til Úkraínustríðið fer að hafa áhrif fyrir alvöru.

Mér er sagt, af mikilli sannfæringu, að þetta sé bara allt í lagi, og eigi að vera svona:

"Carlos “Raiza Daniela” Aparicio Hernandez, a prominent transgender (biological male) activist from El Salvador touted by the New York Times, was arrested in Utah for raping a boy.

Hernandez, 36, was charged with 16 felonies for the rape and sexual abuse of a 15-year-old boy."

Fólk hefur orðið reitt við mig fyrir að vera á móti svona löguðu. Ég vildi að ég væri að búa það til.

Veit ekki hversu miikið ég á að taka mark á þessu:

"As US President Joe Biden held a joint call with Finland's leaders on Friday to support their NATO application, Russian officials responded with furious bluster, with one threatening to reduce the US to 'nuclear ashes' if America 'threatens' the Russian state."

Menn eitthvað heitir.

"Finland, whose President today called Putin to reveal his plans to join NATO, would be wiped out in seconds, Duma defence committee deputy chairman Aleksey Zhuravlyov boasted."

Svosem alveg hægt...

"The news came as Russia cut off electricity supplies to Finland this morning. The Nordic country imports ten per cent of its electricity from Russia."

Svona verður þetta.  Allir eru diplómatískir snillingar núna.

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