
Rússar hóta Pólverjum

"A Russian lawmaker has issued a fiery warning that Warsaw is next in line for “de-nazification” after Poland’s Prime Minister penned an op-ed calling Russia’s imperialist “Russkiy Mir” ideology a “cancer” consuming Russian society and a “deadly threat” to other countries.

Morawiecki argued that, unless it is opposed, Russia will not stop at Kyiv but will continue on a “long march towards the West.”

The Kremlin has denied it has any intentions of invading other countries. Putin has claimed that what he describes as a “special military operation” in Ukraine comes in response to attempts by Western powers to establish a bulwark in Ukraine that threatens Moscow’s security."



Ekki Austurevrópumaður.

Nennti ekki einus sinni að skrifa sitt eigið manifestó

"In the uncorroborated manifesto (circulating the internet), Gendron says he was radicalized on 4chan at the beginning of the virus pandemic in early 2020. The document's layout is similar to Brenton Tarrant, the white supremacist mass shooter who killed 51 people and injured 40 others in a New Zealand mosque in 2019. 

Gendron appears to have copy and pasted Tarrant's manifesto."

Þessir kommúnistar...

2000 múldýr.

Merkileg heimildamynd, ef menn vilja vita eitthvað.

Kínverjar eitthvað að spökulera

"The main military objectives are to “smash Taiwan independence” and to ensure victory in “a decisive battle in the South China Sea.”

“It is necessary to coordinate the two directions of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, the two areas of maritime and land protection, the two traditional and new forces, the two kinds of resources in the province and overseas, and the focus on cohesive resources to ensure the direction of the Taiwan Strait."

Loftslagsaktívistar eru að verða morðóðir

"Howard Breen’s anxiety about the planet is so bad that he’s asked Canada to let him die. Will he be accepted into the program?"


Svona verður þetta í Kanada.

JK Rowling hraunar yfir Antifa fyrir að berjast gegn kvenréttindum

"There is no conflict between women's rights and our ideology. To prove it, we've dressed up as ninjas to block public access to a statue of a suffragette. We're confident this has done wonders for our cause and definitely isn't an unintentionally hilarious own goal," tweeted Rowling"

Antifa vilja ekki ekta konur, bara kynskiftinga.  Þeir eru dáldið þannig.  Þessir kommúnistar...

Þetta skiftir engu máli, en þið hafið kannski gaman af þessu.

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