18.5.2022 | 19:12
Internetið í alvöru.
Allir kenna Rússum um sín eigin mistök
"German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is now blaming Russia for causing brutal hunger even though her country was the one that blocked Russia from trading agricultural products in the first place. Baerbock made these absurd comments at a recent G7 meeting with Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
As part of their original sanctions, Germany voted to block Russia from exporting food and grain, but now Germans and other Europeans are seeing skyrocketing prices and food shortages as a result."
Allir viti bornir menn sjá í gegnum þetta hjá henni.
"Radical pro-abortion protesters came unhinged on Saturday outside the Arizona Capitol in response to the leaked Roe v. Wade draft decision.
One woman even held a sign that said, FETUS = GOOD SNACK."
Svo margir eru að missa vitið þessa dagana. Blessað fólkið er sjálft bestu rök fyrir fóstureyðingum sem ég veit um. Ég meina: viljiði fá meira svona fólk?
Eitthvað sem er í gangi hér á landi líka?
Spyr ég.
"My daughter was forced to participate in the material of this black activity by her teacher. We have pornography laws regarding minors in this state and many of those were violated because of this assignment. I don't have time to name all of the laws that were broken that days, but for example, NRS-200-710."
Disney er ekki alveg að skynja þetta
Skotmark fyrir eins og eina atómbombu
"GENEVA (AP) After a nearly 2-1/2-year hiatus because of the coronavirus pandemic, the Swiss town of Davos is set to again host global elites from business, government and activist groups for the World Economic Forum.
Brende said more than 2,500 participants from business, civil society, media and government are expected to attend, including more than 50 heads of state and government."
Allir á sama stað á sama tima. Það þarf bara eina. Þessir gaurar eru stór hluti af hausverk Pútíns, svo... já.
Annað hvort fattarðu þetta, eða þú hefur ekki verið á internetinu í alvöru.
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Stórkostleg færsla.
Geir Ágústsson, 18.5.2022 kl. 21:46
Ég geri mitt besta.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 18.5.2022 kl. 22:11
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.