19.5.2022 | 16:57
Raunveruleikinn er þeirra versti fjandi
Síast inn, hægt, og með hjálp slaghamars
"Of course, Biden is trying to push a Green New Deal and so is the EU, which yesterday announced plans for a massive increase in green energy to help end reliance on Russia. Welcome to the supply side of GDP!
However, too late. It is just sinking in in Brussels (and the US) that solar panels --besides being very un-green to make-- are made in China; which is where most rare earths are processed; and most of the mineral supply-chains for electric vehicles lead there, with existing supply sewn up. Today China is talking about maintaining its subsidies for EV production, which were to end this year: so, it maintains economies of scale AND physical supply chains, while Europe and the US are left with PowerPoint presentations and catchy phrases like Green Transition and Build Back Better(?)"
Versti óvinur þeirra, raunveruleikinn, er erfiður viðureignar, og sefur aldrei.
Við þurfum aðeins að ræða þetta:
"The virus does not easily spread between people, according to Massachusetts DPH.
Transmission can occur through contact with body fluids, monkeypox sores, items such as clothing or bedding contaminated with fluids or sores, or through respiratory droplets following prolonged face-to-face contact."
Hve woke þarftu að vera til þess að smitast af kynsjúkdómi frá apa?
"As the Biden Administration green-lights another experimental jab of mRNA for 5-11-year-olds, the latest CDC data reveals children of that age have a higher Covid infection rate than their unvaccinated peers.
On Feb. 12, the CDC reported a weekly case rate among fully vaccinated children aged 5-11 of 250.02 per 100,000, compared to 245.82 among the unvaccinated children in the same age group."
Ekki mikill munur. Segir okkur að þetta sull virkar ekki neitt.
Þar til ég dey.
Hagkerfið er að sökkva eins og Titanic
"The Dow was down 1,164 points. It was the 8th biggest drop in the history of our market.
Major retailers said their profits were hurt by rising costs, sluggish sales and supply-chain disruptions."
Ríkis-gert vandamál.
Ríkis-lausnir á ríkis-vandamálum.
"Disgraced former Ministry of Truth boss claims disinformation board tanked because of 'disinformation"
Farið hefur fé betra.
Það arf að passa sig á kovitleysingunum
""I have no idea how he could have gotten caught up in this. I blame it on COVID," Sandra Komoroff told The Post, a 68-year-old cousin of Gendron's mother. "He was very paranoid about getting COVID, extremely paranoid, to the point that his friends were saying he would wear the hazmat suit [to school]."
"And then he got COVID just a few weeks ago... He went to family functions with a respirator mask on. He totally wasn't going to get COVID, and then he got COVID. They were vaxxed to the max. I don't know if it was a bad case, I just know he caught it," Komoroff said, adding that Gendron had "bought into the fear of COVID.""
Algerlega ó-írónískt. Ekkert skopskyn. Bara ótti.
Horfum á þennan vitleysing reyna að stela sprengju
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Bretar fjalla um aðgerð sem er á skjön við stjórnarskrá allra landa sem hafa stjórnarskrá.
Evrópusambandið er ljóslega versti óvinur allra í Evrópu
"Lockdown-like measures should be implemented across the European Union to curb the blocs reliance on Russian oil, Luxembourgs energy minister has said.
One of these organisations, the International Energy Agency, has previously argued that lowering speed limits, banning car use in cities on Sunday and pushing for people to work from home could be used to curb reliance on Russian imports."
Þeir voru varaðir við. Þeir hlógu.
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