Frumskógur onķ holu ofl.

Ķtalir aš verša varir viš dįldiš...

"Mark Crispin Miller of New York University has been collecting media reports of people who have “died suddenly” in numerous countries across the world.  Below is Part 1 of his list of reports of people who “died suddenly” during the week of 10 to 16 May in Italy.  You can read Part 2 HERE."


Raftęki eru eldfim

"FIVE electric double decker buses have exploded at the Potters Bar Bus Garage near London."

Umhverfisvęnt, er ég viss um.


Belgar eru mikiš ķ aš rómansa apa

"Belgium has ordered a compulsory 21-day quarantine for those infected with Monkeypox, becoming the first nation to order isolation over the outbreak of the traditionally Africa-based disease that has sprung up in in small numbers of cases in Europe, North America and Australia in recent weeks that has been tied to a gay fetish festival in Belgium held May 4-9 in Antwerp. Belgium has reported four cases as of Sunday."

Ekki hommi heldur.  Ekki einu sinni banvęnn sjśkdómur... (ef menn eru samkynhneigšir eša fyrir apa.)

4Chan hugsar bara ķ lausnum.

10 vikur ķ hungursneiš

"Experts warn of a surge in crop prices and food costs as wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia are impacted by the war.

An analyst in global warming and food insecurity warned the UN last week that the world has about 10 weeks of wheat supplies stored due to the War in Ukraine."

Manngert vandamįl.  Pólitķk, ekki vešur eša eitrun eša neitt svoleišis.

Frumskógur finnst ofanķ holu

"Deep inside a 630-foot-deep sinkhole that is more than 1,000 feet long and 500 feet wide, a primeval forest was just discovered. The ancient trees at the bottom are more than 130 feet high."


Man vel eftir žessari kvikmynd.

Testósterón gerir mann hęgri-sinnašan.


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