24.5.2022 | 17:43
Eet ze bugz
Konungur Belgíu... eða eitthvað. Opinber skýring á útbreiðzlu apa-kynsjúkdómsins er að skuggalega margir belgar séu... ja... apa-hneigðir.
Samsæriskenningin útskýrir hvernig þessi meinti apa-kynsjúkdómur getur brotist út um allan heim samtímis. Án aðkomu manna sem eru ástleitnir í garð apa. Og geta teleportað milli heimsálfa.
Hvort finnst ykkur líklegri skýring? Sexý apar, eða sjaldgæfar aukaverkanir af mRNA lyfi?
ONS hefur gögn sem ykkur finnst gaman að lesa
"on table 9 of the Deaths by Vaccination Status dataset, the ONS have inadvertently provided enough details on deaths among children and teenagers by vaccination status for us to calculate the mortality rates ourselves, and they are horrendous."
Allir hafa gaman af töflum.
"These figures are horrifying. The ONS data shows that between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22, double vaccinated children aged 10-14 were statistically up to 39 times more likely to die than unvaccinated children, and double vaccinated teenagers aged 15-19 were statistically up to 4 times more likely to die than unvaccinated teenagers.
But its the triple vaccinated figures that are truly frightening when it comes to children.
The ONS data shows that between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22, triple jabbed children aged 10-14 were statistically 303 times more likely to die than unvaccinated children of Covid-19, 69x more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than unvaccinated children, and 82x more likely to die of all-causes than unvaccinated children."
Úpsí dúpsí.
Overlordarnir í Davos líta illa út
Poso hefur enga trú á Davos genginu
Build Back Better planið í axjón:
"Here's the situation. And when it comes to the gas prices, we're going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when its over, we'll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over," Biden said, finding nothing but positivity and future sunshine for Americans as the end point for their current pain."
Bretar þurfa líka að borga fyrir BBB
"ministers still appear to be squabbling over whether to impose a windfall tax on the surging profits of energy firms"
Hærri orkukostnaður mun að mati brezkra ráðamanna valda lægri orkukostnaði. Þeir hljóta að hafa smitast af íslenskum pólitíkusum.
Mest skattar, minnst Pútín.
Þetta leiðir af sér flöskuskort
"Britain could soon be hit by a bottled beer shortage as glassware production costs soar, according to leading Scottish wholesaler Dunns Food and Drinks. Suppliers are already starting to struggle with a glassware shortage after prices skyrocketed by 80% over the past year due to rising energy costs."
Allt er samtengt.
Sri Lanka er umhverfisvænt núna.
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