26.5.2022 | 17:23
"Ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and his huge protest convoy have entered the Punjab on their way to the capital city, Islamabad.
Imran Khan supporters describe the current government a Biden administration imported regime."
... jæja? Það svo?
"The regime called out the army and is gassing its people."
Það er aldeilis að það er verið að hita undir heiminum núna.
Lögregla passar uppá að morðingi hafi frið til að myrða
"A viral video making rounds online shows anxious, angry parents pleading to the police to go inside the school while mass murderer Salvador Ramos spent more than 40 minutes inside.
A viral video showed armed police pinning one man to the ground as the bystanders yelled at them to go in."
Illa er fyrir þeim komið ef það má ekki einu sini reyna að bjarga mannslífum.
"Moscow plans to make foreign debt payments in rubles, Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Wednesday. This comes after the US blocked Russia from servicing its debt to American bondholders."
Rúblur verða vrðmætar núna.
Kínverjar dunda sér við þjóðarmorð
"In one document, a 2018 speech, Chinas Public Security Minister Zhao Kezhi applauded Party officials and police in East Turkistan for working to break the lineages, break the roots, break the connections, break the origins of the regions people, claiming it necessary to end terrorism.
The Chinese Communist Party is currently engaging in a genocide against the Uyghur people and other Turkic groups, such as Kyrgyz and Kazakh people in East Turkistan, as established by a wide range of experts and multiple governments, including the administrations of Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The evidence leading to the conclusion that China is intentionally attempting to destroy these ethnic groups includes the use of over 1,000 concentration camps to indoctrinate, torture, enslave, and rape victims; the mass sterilization of non-Han ethnic women; and a concerted effort to eradicate Islam in the country by destroying mosques or forcing them to preach only communist indoctrination and promote Xi Jinpings personality cult."
Alvöru þjóðarmorð, sko.
Amerísk pólitík. Til einföldunar: því meira sem Demókratar minna á Íslenska stjórnmálaflokka, því færri kjósa þá.
Svo segir fólk að ameríkanar séu heimskir.
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