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"Col. Steven McCraw held an emotion-filled press conference where he admitted officers were wrong to stand down during the Uvalde, Texas shooting."

Þið megið tékka á þessu.

Rússar sýna Finnum eldflaugar

"The missile was fired from the Russian navy's Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate the waters of the Barents Sea. The identified area for the test, given the hypersonic was launched from the Barents, is very close to waters off Finland and Sweden."

Munum við sjá þetta notað?

Fullt af fólki þarf að verða gjaldþrota

"Musk said on Twitter last week that he thinks it would be "beneficial" for the U.S. to go into recession because "some bankruptcies need to happen", according to a new New York Post report.

We're not sure Musk would have felt the same way just a couple of years ago when Tesla was reportedly on the verge of bankruptcy, but those days have passed."

Hann hefði jafnað sig.

Kínverjar skjóta rakettum

"A video went viral on Twitter this week reportedly taken by a Cathay Pacific passenger jet pilot moments after the jet was allegedly alerted to take evasive action to avoid a surprise Chinese submarine ballistic missile launch in the South China Sea."

Kommúnisti hefur í hótunum

"Klein further encouraged violence against Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who is paralyzed, saying, "I hope that someone puts a stick in his f*cking wheelchair and he tumbles out of his seat…send Abbott down a hill with nobody to hold the back of his wheelchair."

Það styttist í að þessi fái sér Nice Truck og fari á rúntinn.

Evrópusambandið undirbýr sig

"This week, the EU has announced that it is crafting contingency plans, including rationing gas in the coming months in the event of a complete shut down of Russian gas shipments to the bloc. As many have already warned, a shortage of gas could be devastating to major European economies like Germany, which rely on abundant, cheap energy to function."

Ekkert að marka Reuters.

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