Fólk er skrķtiš

Hver vill ekki klįm meš Hunter Biden?

Žaš er til: "Hunter's search history reveals his obsession with porn and sex fantasies including '18yrs old,' 'lonely widow' and 'MILF crack cocaine porn,' he uploaded his OWN amateur videos and texted Pornhub link to phone listed in his contacts as 'Dad'"

Spes nįungi, žetta.  Ekki kandķtat til aš smitast af apabólu, sżnist mér.

"iMessage records appear to show Hunter sent a link to a Pornhub page to a phone number he had saved in his contacts book as 'Dad' on October 22, 2018. However, other texts show he and Joe Biden used each other's phone numbers at various times, so it is unclear whether the president was using that number at the time"

... ok.

Žetta į eftir aš verša efnivišur ķ meme ķ langan tķma.


Įstęša žess aš bensķn & dķsel er aš verša dżrara hér er ekki eitthvaš strķš ķ Śkraķnu.  Olķuverš er hįš *heimsmarkaši,* USA er svolķtiš rķkjandi žar...

Ķ sama geira

"A woman in love with a plane insists her desire is not a flight of fancy.

Sarah Rodo, 23, even refers to the Boeing 737 as her boyfriend.

She flies on the aircraft as often as possible and has 50 replica models of the plane at home.

Sarah calls the Boeing Dicki and hopes to wed one day, even though it is illegal in Germany."

... ok, part 2.

Talandi um flug...

"Joshua Yoder, an airline pilot and co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers said during an interview Wednesday that a cardiologist told him that if the airlines were conducting certain health screenings, 30 percent of the pilots currently flying would probably be disqualified due to vaccine-induced heart conditions.

The most prominent health issues being reported, the pilot noted, include chest pains, myocarditis, and pericarditis."

Allt er ęšislegt, aš vanda.

Kķna ķ einhverjum vandręšum

"Another Global Times post on Tuesday sought to alleviate those fears of further lockdowns by assuring foreign businessmen Shanghai’s ports and industrial sector are once again open for business and are expected to stay that way."


"The Global Times quoted unnamed military officials to boast that work has resumed in the shipyard on China’s third aircraft carrier, whose construction was merely “delayed” a little past its scheduled April 23 launch date by the coronavirus lockdown. These military sources hinted the carrier could be ceremonially launched by the end of this week in a public-relations ploy, even though it would still be far from seaworthy."

Žaš mį alltaf leiša hugann frį erfišleikum meš smį strķši.


Bretar geta lķka leyft sér aš hlakka til

"Having pushed through issues to do with Brexit, as well as the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic, a number of experts have now claimed that the war in Ukraine has left Britain only one catastrophe away from major food shortages."

Sjįum til.

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