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Zerohedge lýst ekkert á þetta

"We have faced a lot of significant challenges in modern American history, but nobody will ever forget the economic horror that is breaking loose during Joe Biden’s time in the White House. 

“Now we have an oil crisis, a gas crisis and an electricity crisis at the same time,” Fatih Birol, head of the International Energy Agency watchdog group, told Der Spiegel in an interview published this week. “This energy crisis is much bigger than the oil crises of the 1970s and 1980s. And it will probably last longer.”"

ADE er hlutur sem er til

"As COVID-19 cases began to accelerate again this spring, federal data suggests the rate of breakthrough COVID infections in April was worse in boosted Americans compared to unboosted Americans..."



Barnageldarar rústa veitingastað

"Vandals attack restaurant after J.K. Rowling and friends raised £18,500 for charity and owner was targeted by trans activists on social media with a stream of hate messages and one-star reviews.

The organised pile on from extremist TRAs [trans right activists] is real for everyone to see. They have slandered by business and my character with false accusations in an attempt at vengeance because I (proudly) stand with Suzanne Moore and JK Rowling, both of whom I admire and respect greatly."

Eldsneytisverð hefur tvöfaldast í tíð Bidens

"Since Biden assumed office, the nation has suffered from his energy and fiscal policies, supply chain woes, and 40-year-high inflation. On Thursday, the Washington Post admitted Biden’s “$1.9 trillion rescue package in March 2021 was too large” because it fueled inflation."

Þess vegna er bensín dýrara hér.

War Thunder er besti tölvuleikur ever

"Task and Purpose reports that fans of the popular online free-to-play military video game War Thunder have become so passionate about the game and military history that they’ve begun sharing classified schematics of real-life military vehicles during online arguments.

This has now happened on three separate occasions, with users leaking classified military documents in an effort to ensure that War Thunder is as accurate to real life as possible."

Allt í lagi, hef ekki spilað þennan.  En hérna er hann.  Spilið, og segið mér hvað ykkur finnst.  Sérstaklega prótótýpu skriðdrekarnir og allt leynilega dótið sem mun ekki sjást á vígvellinum fyrr en eftir 5 ár.

Heimsendir er í nánd.... ennþá

"The match was delayed 13 minutes during the third set when a woman wearing a white T-shirt with the words "We have 1028 days left" ran onto the court at Phillippe Chatrier and appeared to attach herself to the net using metal wires and glue."

Fljót, klæðið ykkur í býflugu-búning og límið ykkur við strætó.

Úkraínski herinn plaffar á íbúabyggð

"The capital city of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) was subjected to heavy shelling by the Ukrainian military late on Saturday. Multiple districts of Donetsk came under almost simultaneous attack by the Kiev forces, which used howitzers and rocket artillery to target the city.

At least 5 civilians have been killed in the attack, though with 20 more injured, local authorities said."

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