13.6.2022 | 18:05
Bolsanaro er sá eini sem færir góðar fréttir
"Brasil é o 6º país que mais atraiu investimentos estrangeiros diretos em 2021 trazendo desenvolvimento, emprego e renda aos brasileiros. Segundo levantamento da Agência das Nações Unidas para o Comércio e o Desenvolvimento (Unctad), o pais recebeu US$ 50 BILHÕES no último ano. Em 2020, este valor chegou a US$ 28 bilhões. Se considerarmos Hong Kong como China, distinção feita pelo ranking, o Brasil assume a 5ª posição. Lista tem Estados Unidos, China, Hong Kong, Singapura e Canadá nas primeiras posições. "
Á ensku, frá google translate:
"Brazil is the 6th country that most attracted foreign direct investment in 2021, bringing development, employment and income to Brazilians.
According to a survey by the United Nations Agency for Trade and Development (Unctad), the country received US$ 50 BILLION in the last year.
In 2020, this value reached US$ 28 billion.
If we consider Hong Kong as China, a distinction made by the ranking, Brazil takes the 5th position.
The list has the United States, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada in the top positions."
Bolsanaro að monta sig af velgegnginni. Eini gaurinn sem kemur alltaf eð góðar fréttir.
"On Monday Ukraine's military acknowledged for the first time that Russian forces have taken over the center of the key city of Severodonetsk, considered the last major place of resistance and holdout before pro-Moscow forces take the whole of Luhansk province."
Forseti Kanada fær Kína Kvefið í annað sinn
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday tested positive for Covid-19 again.
PM Trudeau said hes feeling okay because hes triple vaxxed and encouraged others to get vaccinated."
Sér enginn neitt athugavert við þetta?
Demókratar gelda frekar börnin sín
"A study by the University of California Los Angeles Williams Institute found that gender transition rates differed between the states. New York led the pack with a 3% rate among youth, while Wyoming came in at only 0.6%.
The states with the highest proportion of transgender youth were Democrat-led and generally more permissive of classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation.
States such as New York lead the trend, as state education guidance includes teaching about sexuality and gender identity. According to the study, New York has nearly double the national rate of youth gender transition.
The national average of youth who identify as transgender is about 1.43%. But in Maryland, where Education Department officials included gender identity in state sex-ed standards, the number of youth identified as transgender has reached 2.08%."
Fólk þarf að gá að því hvaða geðveiki það ýtir undir. Svona aðeins.
Svona trans-gaurar eru over-representaðir í allskyns ofbeldisglæpum
"Convicted terrorist Cristina Iglesias, a biological male who identifies as transgender, will receive sex change surgery with taxpayers picking up the tab. Iglesias is recorded as a "female inmate.""
Kóvitleysan drap mjög marga í USA
"A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has revealed that crippling and restrictive public health measures implemented throughout the Covid-19 pandemic were the most likely cause of a staggering 170,000+ non-Covid excess deaths among young Americans in 2020 and 2021.
While Covid deaths overwhelmingly afflict senior citizens, absolute numbers of non-Covid excess deaths are similar for each of the 18-44, 45-64, and over-65 age groups, with essentially no aggregate excess deaths of children. Mortality from all causes during the pandemic was elevated 26 percent for working-age adults (18-64), as compared to 18 percent for the elderly.
According to researchers, the only Western country that did not experience this monumental jump in excess death was Sweden, which refrained from forcing its citizens to endure the widely-accepted, dystopian public health measures."
Heimskupör ríkisins eru banvæn.
"Welcome to India, where the prime minister is polite, the monkeys are anti-science, and the elephants will follow you to the gates of hell. That happen where one elephant--we'll call him Tusky--killed a woman, then showed up at the woman's funeral because Tusky didn't think he sent a strong enough message."
Að allt öðru:
Japanir búa til sæborg-fingur.
"Scientists at the University of Tokyo have built a robotic finger, which in the world of robots isn't really that exciting, except that these crazy people grafted living human skin onto the finger and kept it alive. They say the feat brings us one step closer to truly human-like robots."
Vona þeir haldi sig við Cherry 2000, en ekki T-800. Svo þarf bara einhver að finna upp tímavél. Og senda Japönsku Cherry 2000 aftur í tímann, í einhverjum óljósum tilgangi.
Í tengdum fréttum:
Forritari heldur því fram að gervigreindin hans sé á lífi
"Google has placed one of its engineers on paid administrative leave for allegedly breaking its confidentiality policies after he grew concerned that an AI chatbot system had achieved sentience, the Washington Post reports. The engineer, Blake Lemoine, works for Googles Responsible AI organization, and was testing whether its LaMDA model generates discriminatory language or hate speech."
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