Magnaðir hlutir gerast daglega

Kanye ætlar að kaupa Parler

"Parlement Technologies, the parent company of the popular social media platform "Parler," published a press release Monday saying it's being acquired by Ye (formerly known as Kanye West)."

Ódýrari sósíalmedíoa en Twitter, og ekki jafn mikil ræsi.

"The proposed acquisition will assure Parler a future role in creating an uncancelable ecosystem where all voices are welcome. Ye can be found on Parler here."

Ja, hann má segja það sem honum sýnist þarna.

"Ye is the richest black man in history. He was recently blocked by JPMorgan Chase from using their banking services for something he said in an interview."

Amerísk pólitík gengur lengra en Weimar:

"Mike Itkis, a self-described ‘liberal independent, non-married, childless atheist,’ uploaded the porn video, titled “Bucket List Bonanza” with adult film star Nicole Sage to PornHub over the summer to showcase his “sex positive” campaign."

Mér verður hugsað til Íslensksra alþingismanna með þónokkrum hryllingi.


Íslenskasti pólitíkus sem ameríkanar hafa haft.

Talandi um íslenska pólitík:

Góðar fréttir: "Menntamálastofnun verður lögð niður og öllu starfsfólki þar sagt upp í viðamiklum breytingum sem Ásmundur Einar Daðason, mennta- og barnamálaráðherra, hefur boðað."

Slæmar fréttir: "Hann hyggst leggja niður Menntamálastofnun og koma á fót nýrri stofnun..."

Og á enn neikvæðari nótum: matarskattur:

"Í svari Landlæknis við fyrirspurn fréttastofu kemur fram að brýn þörf sé á efnahagslegum aðgerðum, líkt og starfshópur frá árinu 2020 lagði til, þar á meðal lægri álögur á hollustu og hærri skatt á óhollustu, svokallaðan sykurskatt."

Ég man eftir þessum matarskatti.  Var lagður á kaffi, meðal annars.

Fjandans kommúnistar.

Bresk p+olitík er svipuð íslenskiri að því leiti að þú hefur val um 2 kommúnsitaflokka

"The Tories could be heading for such a walloping at the next election that they might only be the third largest party in the Commons, a shock poll-of-polls suggests today."

Enda er þar allt á hausnum.

Kolefnistrúarmenn skemma mat

"The organization is advocating for a switch to plant-based alternatives to milk and dairy products as a means of combating climate change."

Enginn matur, engin orka.  Bara kolefnistrú.

Kolefnistrúarmenn eru allstaðar til ama

"The disruption led to angry scenes as drivers got out of their vehicles to remonstrate with the eco-zealots and plead with them to get out of their way.

Another man stepped in and confronted the demonstrators, saying: "This is not the way of protesting. Organise a proper protest, the motorway is not where you should protest. We have to go to work"

"Otherwise, this will become poor against poor. People will get angry and they will beat you and this is not fair... You're p***ing people off.""

Eins í UK & á Ítalíu.  Greinilega skipulagt.  Þetta er engin grasrótarhreyfing.

Borðaðu pöddurnar

"Back in 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF) introduced their sustainable protein objectives for the world. According to the plan, we'll all be eating either plant-based meat, lab-grown meat, or insects and worms instead of meat by 2030.

the Netherlands just rolled out a new nutritional program for schools across the country: mealworms instead of meat."

Mmm hmmm... Þú munt eiga ekkert.

Hollenskir bændur vilja ekki að ríkið steli af þeim landinu:

"Farmers Defence Force leader Mark Van den Oever announced this week that Dutch farmers will once again take to the streets after the government expressed its intentions to adopt the plan presented by former deputy prime minister Johan Remkes to meet the nitrogen standards demanded by the European Union."

Enn þessir kolefnistrúarmenn að reyna að svelta alla í Evrópu.

Almenningur er ekki hrifinn af yfirvöldum, hvergi.

"the march against high prices in Paris....

Europeans don't want to starve and freeze for Zelensky.

Protests against NATO and the EU are increasing throughout Europe...

Impressive human tide in Brussels against Ursula von der Leyen, EU, globalist scum, corrupt politicians, media manipulation and rising energy prices.

Massive Protests In Brussels At EU Against One World Government, Globalists! The people of Europe are about to enter a winter of fuel and food shortages, BY DESIGN.

Impressive human protests in Berlin against Olaf Scholz, Ursula von der Leyen, EU, NATO, sanctions against Russia and rising gas and energy prices."


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