19.10.2022 | 19:24
Allt sem gerist í útlöndum verður endurtekið hér... nema það sé gáfulegt.
Glæpamenn reyna að ræna rangan mann
"Police suggested the four victims were planning on committing a crime the night they went missing, based on interviewing an individual who was asked to participate but declined, ABC News reported. The details of the alleged crime are unknown."
Þetta voru augljóslega kommúnistar:
"On the night of October 9, the four men who were close friends disappeared after they were last seen leaving Billy Chastians house on bicycles."
Unabomber heldur uppi meðaltalinu. Og Breivik var kannski gáfaðari en þið haldið.
"Overturning Roe v Wade is affecting children, moms, grandmoms, grandpops, and all the entire generations.
The right that I pushed hard and I finally got changed to marry couples in the privacy of their bedroom.
God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Thank you. I'm sorry.
[Long pause]
I was apologizing for my back."
... ok.
Í Kína
Hælisleytendur að gera NY gjaldþrota
"A new video from Project Veritas Action has revealed that New York City Mayor Eric Adams top aide has doubts about the mayors ability to handle the ongoing illegal immigrant crisis in the city, a result of the border crisis created by the Biden administration.
Baugh also stated that "the city is broke," adding that this point "makes me very nervous as someone who is paid by the city.""
Eins og er þar er hér líka.
Ali G dagsins, ef ekki ársins:
"A beauty giant has faced calls for a boycott after inviting a controversial transgender influencer on a podcast about 'girlhood'.
Ulta Beauty, which has more than 1,200 salons across the country, was slammed by furious women for hosting Dylan Mulvaney on The Joy Of Girlhood."
"A woman was reportedly raped by a known sex offender at a women's shelter in Ontario, Canada after the predator identified as transgender in order to gain access to the facility.
It's not that hardcore transgender advocates want anyone to get raped like this, mind you.
It's just that they consider this sort of insanity to be acceptable collateral damage for letting men access women's spaces, that's all."
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