Bara ķ dag

Žetta salerni ķ San Fransisco veršur dżrara en nįšhśsiš ķ Nauthólsvķkinni

"San Francisco is going to spend two years and $1.7 million to build a small public restroom. The project will be subjected to community review, a vote by the Board of Supervisors, and reviews by city committees."

En: veršur gott śstżni og įhorfendapallar og kaffi-ašstaša į žessum kamri?

Mótmęlendur verša inndrita

"Nine environmental activists chose Autostadt on Wednesday evening to raise awareness about what they call “a climate emergency” by gluing their palms on the Porsche pavilion floor. 

On Twitter, Grimalda complained that Volkswagen is not providing them with toilet services."


Fokk žś og žitt krś.

Meira af sama

"Furious members of the public have dragged Just Stop Oil protesters from the road after the activists sprayed orange paint across the world-famous Harrods before blocking all traffic outside."

Umhverfissinnar aš dreifa mengun.  Einu sinni hefši žaš ótt ķrónęiskt.  Nśna... ekki svo mjög.


Žjóšverjinn aš finna fyrir eigin heimsku af fullum žunga

"Products ranging from Kellogg’s cornflakes to Coca Cola have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, with many shops being left with empty shelves as products become simply unprofitable to sell due to differentials in inflation."

Žetta įstand er vęntanlegt hér.  Er žegar byrjaš.

Not the bee safnar vitleysingum

"It's a testimony to America's greatness that people this unaware and this idiotic are still alive."

Rśssar kenna krökkunum nytsamlega hluti

"Children as young as four and five are being given war lessons in Vladimir Putin's Russia.

Shocking footage shows an officer in combat fatigues demonstrating a Kalashnikov machine-gun and an anti-tank grenade launcher to kindergarten youngsters.

Children at Kindergarten No. 31 in Korolev, near Moscow were taught the qualities that distinguish a true defender of the Motherland."

Įgętt aš kenna žeim žetta strax, svo žau verši ekki eins og žessar lolcows į twitter. 

AK er ekki beint flókiš tęki svosem...  Aušvelt aš nota.  Slęr dįldiš.

Bretar um pólitķska įstandiš.

Grikkir um sama.

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1 Smįmynd: Kristķn Inga Žormar

Flott samantekt hjį žér yfir alla klikkunina ķ heiminum ķ dag!

Kristķn Inga Žormar, 20.10.2022 kl. 21:39

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Žvķ mišur er žetta svona į hverjum degi, įn aflįts.

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 21.10.2022 kl. 16:51

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