21.10.2022 | 17:49
Drekkum með Jeltsin
Ameríski Steingrímur J er óskiljanlegur
"No. Theyre by 16 there. I've already gone in for yet, and a lot more grass. Another 20 or so. I'm gonna be going.
Reporter: "John Fettermans gonna appear with you today in Pennsylvania, but there havent been that many candidates campaigning with you "
Biden: "That's not true! Thereve been 15. COUNT KID, COUNT!""
Ég veit ekki hvað neitt af þessu þýðir.
Herinn er nógu Woke til að vera necro-pedo, en á móti gæti ekki unnið hanaslag
"A new study from a conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation, has rated the United States military as weak overall with a low possibility of winning a war against a major power."
"According to the findings of German research, one in every 700 children under the age of five who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine was hospitalized with severe adverse events (SAE), and one in every 200 children had symptoms that were currently ongoing and thus of unknown significance."
Þið voruð vöruð við af ykkur varkárara fólki...
Fáir hafa nokkra trú á Bretum núna
"The race to replace failed PM Liz Truss is set to conclude by as soon as Monday, when another globalist stooge may well be installed into office."
иди трахни свою мать
Ekkert meir um það að segja
Það er bara jákvætt að vera Hunter Biden
"A team of cyber detectives has produced a 630-page report detailing the findings of a year-long investigation into the contents of Hunter Bidens laptop which they say contains 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations, according to The Daily Wire."
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