22.10.2022 | 22:18
CIA klónar mammúta. Vegna þess að auðvitað.
CIA eru á betri eiturlyfjum en allir
"According to a report by The Intercept, the CIA is investing in a biotechnology company called Colossal Biosciences which is aiming to bring back to life extinct animals such as the woolly mammoth."
Uhm... ???
"At a news conference in Surrey, British Columbia on Friday, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Castro channeled his inner Castro as his fascist government announced a statewide ban on the sale, purchase, and transfer of handguns effective immediately.
The national handgun freeze is part of the governments comprehensive plan to tackle gun violence. We have already banned over 1,500 types of assault-style firearms and have strengthened our gun control laws to expand background checks. Bill C-21 proposes further measures to keep guns out of the wrong hands like revoking the firearms licences of those involved in acts of domestic violence or criminal harassment, continuing to fight gun smuggling and trafficking, and providing law enforcement more tools to investigate firearms crimes, the news release stated."
Vörubílstjórar þurfa sérstaklega að hugsa um að flytja sig suður fyrir landamærin.
Fyrst er afvopnun, svo byrja fjöldamorð. Þeir sem þekkja söguna kannast við það.
Barnageldarar baula á hægri öfgamenn
""F*ck you fascists" appears to have been the preferred chant by protesters at the event, who likely advocate for children to be given drugs that stunt their natural growth in the name of gender ideology. Children who are given these drugs, then go on to take cross-sex hormones, and never achieve orgasm in their lives."
Hvort ertu meira woke ef þú nauðgar barni áður en þú skerð undan því eða á eftir?
Barnageldari hyggst myrða kvenréttindafrömuð
"A trans-identified male Antifa leader is organizing a counter-protest and fundraising to buy weapons to shut down a womens rights event scheduled to take place in Portland on Oct 25."
Barnageldarar eru ofbeldishneigðir, eins og þeir eru flestir þessir leftistar.
"Kanye West is reportedly plotting to build a network of tiny planned cities called the 'Yecosystem' and has already filed copyright applications for it."
"Based on the trademark application, the massive undertaking will see towns built all over the United States beginning next year."
Þegar menn eiga allt of mikinn pening...
Hann er þó ekki að reyna að drepa alla í heiminum, eins og Bill Gates.
Stutt umfjöllun um raunverulega glæpi
True Crime!
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:58 | Facebook
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