23.10.2022 | 19:19
Í dag
Veruleikinn, helsti óvinur kolefnistrúarmanna.
Áróður kolefnistrúarmanna veldur skogareldum... aftur
"According to the study, We estimate that Californias wildfire carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions from 2020 are approximately two times higher than Californias total greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions since 2003. Without considering future vegetation regrowth, CO2e emissions from the 2020 wildfires could be the second most important source in the state above either industry or electrical power generation.
Their solution: Our analysis suggests that significant societal benefits could accrue from larger investments in improved forest management and stricter controls on new development in fire-prone areas at the wildland-urban interface. Those things would help."
Kalífornía er ekki til eftirbreytni að neinu leiti, og það er það fylki sem okkar yforvöld vilja mest lýkjast.
Brazilísk pólitík er ólíkt skemmtilegri en sú Íslenska.
19 fylki berjast gegn plotti úrkynjaðra banka til að rústa heimunum
""We are leading a coalition investigating banks for ceding authority to the U.N., which will only result in the killing of American companies that don't subscribe to the woke climate agenda. These banks are accountable to American lawswe dont let international bodies set the standards for our businesses," Schmitt said."
Það er ekki nóg fyrir úrkynjað fólk að skvetta súpu á málverk og skrea kynfærin af börnum, það vill líka eyða hagkerfum þjóða og drepa þannig íbúana.
"The Professor highlights that there are four contracts Pfizer/BioNTech and the Republic of Slovenia and
..the latest of these contracts (dated 28 Sept 2021) contains the following statement in Article 1 (its on page 17/25 of the scanned document) .. The State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known.
The Professor goes on to say While that may have been a reasonable statement to include in the December 2020 contract, it is curious that no update at all had been added by the end of September 2021 given all the data on hundreds of millions of doses that had been administered by then.
Here is a link to a scanned .pdf of the 25-page contract:
d76942_5af19ff7389d405585ae0c9db50eb306.pdf (usrfiles.com)"
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