

Evrópa er gjaldþrota, svo þeir gefa Úkraínu alla peningana sína

"So far, this year the bloc has provided Kiev with 19 billion euros. Looking ahead to 2023, the EU is committing to give Kiev 1.5 billion euros per month."

En það er meira:

"Before incumbents are replaced after the midterms in January, members of both parties in the U.S. Congress reportedly plan to pass another gargantuan Ukraine aid packageThe number being floated is $50 billion."

Nýja Kalífornia

"After years of over taxation, regulation, and mono party politics the State of California and many of it’s 58 Counties have become ungovernable. The nature of the State becoming ungovernable has caused a decline in essential basic services such as education, law enforcement, fire protection, transportation, housing, health care, taxation, voter rights, banking, state pension systems, prisons, state parks, water resource management, home ownership, infrastructure and many more. To be sure A recent study issued by the U.S. News and World Report ranked California No. 23 in the nation based on an aggregate score measuring economy, education, infrastructure, crime, and more."

Þetta er svolítið eins og ef landsbyggðin myndi stofna "Nýja Ísland" og girða af alla útkynjuðu kommana í 101.

Svíar hætta að hegða sér eins og fífl.  Bara góðar fréttir.

Það verður ekkert úr þessu.

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