27.10.2022 | 17:27
Hver dagur er ævintýri. Lélegt ævintýri, en ævintýri samt.
Í útvarpinu í dag voru kind, geit, sápa og rúllubaggavél að ræða um steikta lifur. Menn hringdu inn til þess að fílósófa meira um eldun þessarar lifur.
Útvarpið er fuckt.
Er eitthvert ykkar enn með Paypal?
Hvers vegna, ef svo er?
"Paypal's policy of charging $2,500 for spreading inaccurate or misleading information has been reinstated as outlined in the Restricted Activities under the User Agreement."
Treystiði þessum pésum fyrir aurunum ykkar?
Hættan eykst með hverri mínútu
""By the 2030s the United States will, for the first time in its history face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries," the Defense Department said in the long-awaited document issued Thursday. In response, the US will maintain a very high bar for nuclear employment without ruling out using the weapons in retaliation to a non-nuclear strategic threat to the homeland, US forces abroad or allies."
Eilíf skemmtun framundan.
"META shares are down a stunning 23% from Tuesday's close after last night's earnings signals Zuckerberg's 'Reality Labs' moneypit is growing with the second straight quarter of revenue declines from the year earlier (after the first decline ever last quarter), and disappointing revenue forecasts."
Það er erfitt að vísindast í Ísrael (og annarsstaðar)
"Three days after the court order, Kan 11, an Israeli state-owned broadcaster, announced the MoH is going to study excess mortality to see whether the higher-than-normal deaths recorded during the pandemic are linked to COVID-19 vaccinations."
Í skoðun hvort löngu dauður maður var raðmorðingi
"Iowa state and Fremont county investigators Monday were laying the groundwork for the next steps in an investigation into the claims of a woman who says that, as a child, her father forced her to help dispose of bodies on land he owned west of Tabor, Iowa."
Hvernig það hófst
Hvernig það gengur
"Headlines claimed that New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin, a Republican, had called Mayor Eric Adams a fried chicken eating monkey, and threatened to rape his rival, incumbent Governor Kathy Hochul."
Og það batnar bara: "A real New York Post story from September about a man who shoved [an] 8-inch deodorant can up his butt, left it there for 3 weeks was edited to feature a photo of Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a prominent Republican critic of former President Donald Trump."
"On Wednesday afternoon, Kellie-Jay Keen was forced to stop her Tacoma, Washington "Let Women Speak" tour stop early after far-left students from a nearby school descended upon the venue. A woman was injured during the violence."
Kommúnistar gera kommúnista hluti.
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Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.