Heimurinn er skets

Það er í bíó ný kvikmynd um nunnu sem er elt uppi af illum öndum.

Hún heitir "the Ducks of Satan."


Kínverski flugbíllinn er osom

"Chinese tech company XPeng mounted a drone onto the roof of a vehicle and called it a flying car. While the eVTOL isn't as sleek as Alef's, it actually flew."

Meðfylgjandi vídjó er meira en klukkutíma langt.

Evrópskur fasisti með einhverja stæla.

Þetta vissu reyndar allir með greindarvísitölu um og yfir meðaltali.

"It’s nearly impossible for any illness to be less of a risk, or more “benign” than a 0.0003 percent risk of death."

Bóluefnið hefur drepið minnst 11 nýbura.  Á Íslandi.  Betur heima setið en af stað farið, þar.

Sem leiðir til:

Gengur vel.


Ef þú veist, þá veistu...

Heimurinn er Monty Python þáttur núna

"On Friday night at a Democrat dinner in Philadelphia, Joe Biden showed off his hairy leg to the crowd."

... ha?


Brazilísk pólitik er mjög skemmtileg

"Observers expect a heated competition on the mainstream television network Globo Friday night following the last debate, where both candidates called each other liars, Bolsonaro declaring Lula, a convicted felon, a “national shame,” and Lula warning that Bolsonaro serving a second term could mean the end of democracy in the country.

Outside of the formal setting of the debate stage, Bolsonaro and Lula have engaged in arguably the dirtiest political campaign in the world this year. Bolsonaro has faced spurious accusations of cannibalism and pedophilia – Lula personally accused Bolsonaro of “pedophile behavior” on a recent podcast – while Bolsonaro supporters have accused Lula of worshipping pagan gods and making deals with Satan."

Mér þætti vænt um að okkar pólitíkusr væru svona skemmtilegir.  Það eru meira að segja aáhugaverðar matreiðzlu hugmyndir:

"The Indian died and they were cooking him. They cook the Indian; that's their culture," he claimed. "They cook him for two or three days and they eat him with banana."

Hverjum hefði dottið í hug að morðóður kommúnisti gæti verið geðveikur?

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