31.10.2022 | 13:18
2022 er aš gerast
"Tens of thousands of people have marched across metro areas in France, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Germany -- many of them are fed up with sanctions on Russia that have sparked economic ruins for many households and businesses -- but also very surprising, support for NATO's involvement in Ukraine is waning."
Well, duh.
2022 ķ einni fyrisögn.
Fyrirsagnirnar hafa veriš frįbęrar, og eru enn:
"SATANIC trans activists EAT BIBLES to protest Matt Walsh event at UW-Madison"
Gott stöff.
"Helpful statistics published by the UK Government on deaths by Covid-19 vaccination status strongly suggest it is far from a coincidence, with each and every single age group in England proving to have the lowest mortality rates per 100,000 people among the unvaccinated.
This means we have indisputable evidence that the Covid-19 injections are killing people, and with over 193,000 extra excess deaths across Europe this year, we are quite possibly witnessing depopulation due to Covid-19 vaccination unfold before our very eyes."
"It is not officially known why so many people are dying, and only 13,278 of the deaths since April have been attributed to Covid-19. This is 45% of all excess deaths and just 5% of all deaths during this time frame
But with further Office for National Statistics figures proving 94% of all Covid-19 deaths since April have been among the triple/quadruple vaccinated, as well as proving mortality rates per 100,000 are highest among the vaccinated population in all age groups, this strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccine are a contributing factor to why so many people are dying."
"The tight result tops off a dramatic comeback for the 77 year-old opposition leader, who served two terms as president between 2003 and 2010 but subsequently was accused of corruption and served time in prison for graft before his convictions were annulled.
Amid extremely high interest rates and inflation, his plan to move away from the free market vision of the Bolsonaro administration to a model that puts the state at the heart of the economy will be a key focus for investors globally."
Skift śr frjįlshyggju ķ fasisma, semsagt.
Elon on a roll.
Allt góšar įstęšur til aš reka lišiš
"It looks like Twitters Board and Law firm may be in very big trouble.
Elon Musk tweeted that the Twitter Board and the law firm that worked for Twitter, Wachtell, may have withheld information from him and the court."
"Elon Musk fired four senior Twitter executives 'for cause', according to a report, in an apparent bid to avoid having to pay them multimillion-dollar severance packages."
Sko... įstęša og allt.
Almenningur ķ UK berst viš kolefnistrśarmnn
"A member of the public has defied police calls to not 'directly intervene' with Just Stop Oil eco zealots as he tackled a protester as she sprayed orange paint across a building using a fire extinguisher."
Į mešan gerir lögreglan ekkert. Furšulegt.
Žessi gaur hefur sigraš internetiš ķ vikunni.
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