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Hér virðist eitthvert fjör vera í uppsiglingu

"Thousands of protesters concerned about the legitimacy of the Brazilian Presidential Election swarm the military barracks in Rio de Janeiro. They pled military commanders to intervene."

Veit ekki meir.

Fact check!

"This fact check on one of the White House's most recent claims is absolutely brutal.

Here is the claim from the White House (they deleted it now, lol, but we've got the screenshot):"




Pólverjar smíða vegg

"Poland has ordered the construction of a 210km barrier along the entire Russian-Polish border. Announcing the details, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak accused Moscow of planning to arrange for Asian and African migrants to illegally cross into the EU state through the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad."

Þetta má.

Dó skyndilega...



Í sama stíl:

"Rowe made a post on his Facebook account two months before he passed away, in which he criticized people who opposed to vaccinations.

"Let me be real clear… I do not give a F*CK what happens to anti-vaxxers. I don’t. Let Darwin do his work. They helped to kill 700,000 Americans. I do not have pity or tears to spare for any of them. It’s all dried up now. Sorry. At this point. I’m just hoping they feel 1/10th of the pain they’ve caused everyone else. The kids will be fine. THEY’RE going to suffer. And I f*cking well think they’ve earned it," he wrote."

Þetta eru ekkert fyrstu eða einu tilfellin, og verða ekkert þau síðustu.

Glæpir í NY eru á allt öðru leveli:

"The victim – who had been arrested a dozen times in the city – was wearing black rubber gloves when he was shot, and investigators believe he had planned to carry out a shooting with two other guys, police sources said."

Ekkert verðmætt glataðist.

... jæja...

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