1.2.2023 | 15:42
Þið vitið hvernig þetta er.
... já.
"It should be noted that a large percentage of the American populace and most of Europe have no interest whatsoever in engaging with Russia and possibly its allies in all out war, but the establishment appears intent on forcing the issue anyway. The delivery of NATO tanks and the possibility of longer range missiles will no doubt trigger a wider response from Russia, which will then be used by NATO as a reason to escalate further."
Þetta eru þrjótar. Allt saman.
Ég varð ekki var við þetta.
Metabiota lífefnavopna verksmiðjurnar
"According to USASpending.gov, a database of spending by the US federal government, the Department of Defense (DoD) awarded tens of millions of dollars in contracts to Hunter Bidens Metabiota labs.
The firm has biolabs in several countries, including Ukraine, where Hunter played an important role in the companys activities."
Lélegur jeppi með lélega fallbyssu.
"On Feb. 24, 2022, the day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ordered the destruction of all documents related to Hunter Bidens partner firm Metabiota...
The Russian Ministry of Defence claims to be in possession of more than 20,000 documents that supposedly expose the USAs bio-warfare programs in Ukraine. In a tweet on Monday 1/30, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) alleged, "The materials confirm that the Pentagon aimed at creating elements of a biological weapon, & testing it on the population of Ukraine.""
Þegar menn eru ráðnir vegna kynja og kynþáttakvóta:
"Navy chiefs have ordered an investigation after workers on a Trident submarine turned to super gluing broken bolts in a nuclear reactor chamber.
It had come off through over-tightening, with staff resorting to gluing the heads back on as a quick fix."
Þannig er það.
"Hábyssurnar tólf munu berast Úkraínumönnum á næstu vikum..."
Hábyssa gefur til kynna tilvist lágbyssu. Meðfylgjandi mynd er af fallbyssu. Er ekkert víst að myndin tengist frétt.
Á meðan, á Indlandi.
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