4.2.2023 | 16:35
Allir frjósi til dauða
"Right now Mount Washington is living up to the reputation of having the worse weather in the world. INSANE conditions Temp -42° F, Wind Chill -101° F, Wind Gusts 127 mph!"
Talandi um frost:
"The UK government has told local authorities to crack down on people using wood-burning stoves to keep warm with fines of £300 or potentially criminal prosecutions for those who continually refuse to abide by state climate diktats."
Celtic Frost.
"Florida governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday announced a plan to exempt gas stoves and other gas appliances from state sales tax, a move which follows weeks of debate over whether the Biden administration was serious about banning them (they were)."
Bretar geta ekki barist við neina aðra en eigin borgara
"General Sir Richard Barrons, who formerly served as the Joint Forces chief, claimed that spending cuts have depleted the British military to such an extent that, in a hot war with Russia, the UK would run out of ammunition and artillery shells within just one day."
Þetta var einu sinni heimsveldi.
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