5.2.2023 | 17:37
Žaš sem mįli skiftir
Skiftir litlu mįli.
Skiftir meira mįli.
Ķ alvöru. Žaš var meirihįttar FB hópur um žetta hér į landi.
Ķtrekaš og mikiš ritskošašur, aš sjįlfsögšu.
"This study evaluated the potential efficacy of Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgY) as a neutralizing agent against the SARS-CoV-2. [...] Our results show that the anti-Spike-S1 IgYs showed significant neutralizing potency against SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, various spike protein mutants, and even SARS-CoV in vitro. It might be a feasible tool for the prevention and control of ongoing COVID-19."
"The rise in deaths is far worse than seen during World War 2. Even more telling is the data from life insurance companies reporting on the largest death rates and life insurance payouts in history.
The strange thing about those exploding death rates- its not older Americans dying in record numbers. Its 18-to-64 year old Americans in the workforce- all of them forced to take the Covid jab to keep their jobs. And the dramatic rise in deaths only started right after the OSHA vaccine mandate.
There is a 7% increase in death for each time you take the Covid jab. In other words, your odds of dropping dead suddenly go up 7% if you take one Covid jab
they go up 14% after your 2nd jab
they go up 21% after your third jab
28% after your fourth
and 35% after you get another dose. And so on and so on."
Reiknum nś:
62.760 hafa fengiš 4 skammta. Semsagt, žeir eru 28% lķklegri til aš deyja. Langflestir ķ žessum hóp eru 65 įra og eldri.
Af óvišrįšanlegum orsökum verša žeir nęr allir daušir eftir 40 įr, (ekki kvarta viš mig, ég įkvaš žaš ekki) eša aš öllu ešlilegu 1569 aš jafnaši į įri. En vegna žess aš žeir fengu sprautu deyja aš jafnaši 439 umfram žaš į įri. Hve lengi? Veit ekki.
En haldi žetta įfram deyja allir į 31 įri, ekki 40 įrum.
Ef. Svona lķnulegar hreyfingar munu ekki gerast. Žaš sem gerist miklu frekar er aš 28% af öllum deyji į 2-7 įrum, eša ~17.500 manns, ca 2500-6000 į įri žar til sį hópur sem var móttękilegur fyrir mRNA efnunum er bśinn.
Sjįum til um nęstu įramót hvort ég er į réttri leiš meš žetta.
"Police are calling it "an audacious crime," according to New Market Today. The vehicle drove through the front doors of the mall and proceeded to drive to an electronics store that was robbed. Then, when the suspects were done, they drove the car right back out of the mall."
Žvķ ganga ef hęgt er aš keyra?
Amerķski herinn er mjög hęgfara
"After allowing a China spy balloon to float across Alaska and the continental United States for the last 10 days, the US military finally shot the balloon down after its work was accomplished.
Now the US military is concerned they may not reach the balloon wreckage before China can. The balloon was shot down 6 miles off the coast of Carolina."
Allt į sér śtskżringar.
Einhver snillingur platar ChatGTP til aš hljóma mennskt.
Rśssnesk vopn. Žetta veršur seint śrelt. Žróunin gerist en hśn gerist hęgt. Žetta er betra en osin Nagant, sem er merkilegt nokk enn ķ notkun. Ķ hernaši. Vegna žess aš af žvķ bara.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.