Fréttir og vísindi

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Umburðarlyndi kemur ekki með menntun

"A 15-year study of young people in Finland found that education level, nonrational thinking, cognitive potential, and cognitive performance were not associated with social intolerance — i.e., intolerance toward different attitudes, lifestyles, cultures, or values of others. On the other hand, higher social intolerance was associated with low flexibility, high perseverance and low persistence. The study was published in Brain and Behavior.

Social intolerance was found to be associated with cognitive styles. People who were more intolerant tended to be more distractible and more perseverant, but less persistent and flexible. When the analysis was repeated with controlling for all other factors included in the study, results showed that people who were more intolerant tended to show lower persistence, lower flexibility and higher perseverance."

Ferlegt torf, en þið hljótið að ná þessu.

Bandaríkjastjórn gefa BRICS crypto-markaðinn

"As Biden enters the second half of his term, his crackdown on crypto banking has deflated hopes for a regulatory rapprochement in the US. Many crypto entrepreneurs now tell me that they’re waiting for 2025 and a putative DeSantis regime for things to turn. Some can’t wait that long, and are shuttering their plans for businesses which involve any type of regulatory approval, especially with regards to bank charters. Regulators are effectively picking winners — with larger, more established crypto firms able to hang on to their bank relationships, while newer ones are shut out. Meanwhile, other jurisdictions are making a bid for their business. Hong Kong has adopted a friendlier tone once again, as has the UK. The UAE and the Saudis are looking to attract crypto firms."

Minnir dáldið á þegar kirkjan gaf gyðingum banka-markaðinn.

Fasistar nöldra undan Musk

"European Union authorities are complaining that Twitter doesn’t seem to be taking the bloc’s fight against “disinformation” seriously by producing an incomplete report on compliance with its rules on censorship."

Hvað á þessi and-fasíska hegðun að þýða?

Barangeldari sér eftir öllu saman

"Another disturbing aspect of the center was its lack of regard for the rights of parents — and the extent to which doctors saw themselves as more informed decision-makers over the fate of these children.


My concerns about this approach to dissenting parents grew in 2019 when one of our doctors actually testified in a custody hearing against a father who opposed a mother's wish to start their 11-year-old daughter on puberty blockers."

Allir vilja skera kynfærin af börnum nú til dags.

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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Kannski væri betra að nema á brott heila stjórnmálamanna. Þeir gerðu færri axarsköft án hans held ég.

Loncexter, 10.2.2023 kl. 16:40

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Mig grunar að vandinn sé að þeir eru þverskurður af þjóðfélaginu, og meðal-maðurinn er bara ekki viti bornari en þetta.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 10.2.2023 kl. 18:07

Bæta við athugasemd

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