12.2.2023 | 15:23
Bretar eru svo miklir hægri-ofgamenn að þeir vilja ekki barnanauðgara
Fólk fær það sem það biður um...
"A peaceful protest outside a UK hotel housing asylum-seekers turned violent on Friday evening as protestors -- enraged over a recording of an alleged proposition of a minor English girl by a migrant -- reportedly threw bricks and set a police van on fire.
The protest was sparked by a video posted this week by a 15-year-old British girl. She says it captures a self-proclaimed 25-year-old migrant propositioning her -- and persisting even after she tells him she's ten years younger."
... eða það sem yfirvöld vilja.
Á meðan berjast Antifa og barnageldarar við hægri-öfgamenn
"Left-wing LGBTQ activists clashed with protestors who were standing against the Drag Queen Story Hour UK event at London's Tate museum on Saturday, leading to police intervention when individuals from the two groups began to fight.
British Antifa activists from the "London Anti-Fascist Assembly" as well as the far-left "Transgender Action Block" appeared to organize against those concerned with the pedo-friendly drag performer reading to children."
Það er í tízku núna að skera undan börnum til að þóknast pedófílum.
Þegar fólk trúir ekki á eigin stefnu
"Two climate activists who blocked traffic in the German city of Stuttgart earlier this year missed their court date because they flew to Bali and Indonesia, for a round trip of 23,000 kilometers producing 7.9 tons of CO2 emissions."
Heilindi, hvað er nú það?
Kaninn skýtur niður hvert UFOið á fætur öðru
"A US fighter jet has brought down an unidentified object in Canadian airspace, on orders from President Joe Biden and Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The incident marks the third time the US has destroyed a flying object in the region in recent weeks."
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
Nena var flott með 99 luftballoons... he , he gott mím![cool](/js/tiny_mce_4_1_6/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Loncexter, 12.2.2023 kl. 20:17
Já, þetta er gott ef maður er með fattarann í lagi.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 12.2.2023 kl. 21:48
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.