
Tölva framtíðarinner er úr kjöti

"The technology has come to be known as OI, or “organoid intelligence,” and scientists have already achieved success in “programming” organic materials. In October, scientists in Australia linked a dish of 800,000 living brain cells to a computer, successfully teaching it to play the 1970s video game Pong."

Þeir búa til kjöt-vélmenni, og kjöt tölvur.  Þetta verður eitthvert Cronenberg-dæmi. Persónuleikinn verður AI, sem þýðir þetta sem AI er alltaf: hatast við sveringja og gyðinga, vegna þess að af því bara.

Eitt af mörgum vandamálum við rafrænan gjaldeyri

"New Zealanders were left unable to pay for vital goods such as food and water for days after cash machines and payment systems were knocked out by Cyclone Gabrielle..."

Bara eitt af mörgum.

Bretland er vísvitandi illa rekið

"The cost of producing, harvesting and transporting all crops has spiked because the cost of oil and gas was deliberately inflated. The cost of growing crops has increased because there is a “shortage” of fertiliser – likewise purposefully created.

Both of these are “blamed” on the war in Ukraine, but the war but both the energy crisis and fertiliser crisis predate the war in Ukraine (see here and here). We covered this in detail last spring when “food shortages” first hit the headlines."

Þeir hata fólkið í landinu.


Á meðan, í Rússlandi

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