5.3.2023 | 21:05
Eitthvaš til aš hugsa um
"New Zealand has recorded the largest increase in the number of registered deaths since the 1918 influenza pandemic, new data from Stats NZ shows.
What doesnt make sense is this next chart. This chart shows the number of deaths by week in New Zealand. The chart indicates the normal weekly number of deaths in the country is around 623 deaths.
But look at the number of deaths attributed to COVID. Do you notice anything odd?"
Viti menn. Eins og hér fór fólk ekki aš deyja į fullu fyrr en eftir aš žaš hafši veriš bólusett.
Lah-tķ dah.
Öll gögn allstašar fré segja mér aš bóluefnin valdi dauša.
Žaš sést hverjir hugsa sjįlfstętt.
Scott Adams veit.
"Last summer, thousands of Dutch farmers protested new Nitrogen rules that will force approx. 30% of Dutch cattle farms out of business, according to government estimates. Farming unions contend that the planned cuts place a heavier burden on agriculture than industry.
On Friday, 2,700 tractors brought traffic in Brussels, Belgium to a standstill as thousands of Belgian farmers joined the protest against the nitrogen emissions limits."
Žaš er hörš barįtta milli sósķalista sem vilja ekki aš neinn borši, og bęnda, sem vilja lifa.
"On Tuesday, the National Park Service warned that bears in the wild can be dangerous and that individuals should not use a bear attack as an opportunity to "push a slower friend down" so the bear could kill the companion."
Til žess er Covid Vaxx.
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