9.3.2023 | 20:38
Heimurinn eins og hann er oršinn
Berum žessa idjóta saman viš raunverulega anti-fasista:
"The liberal Washington Post is deeply upset that Conservatives and Libertarians are standing in the way of future pandemic lockdowns.
The paper accused them of engaging in a populist rejection of pandemic measures that have left Americans public health institutions defanged and unprepared for a subsequent pandemic.
Critics of the Post and severe COVID-19 protocols brutalized the piece on Twitter, claiming the public health institutions promoted medical fascism, which prompted the conservative pushback."
Mikill munur.
Enginn elur į gyšingahatri eins og ADL. Enginn.
"An alarming increase in the number of dead marine mammals washing up along the New Jersey coast has renewed enthusiasm against Trenton and White House plans to litter the shoreline with wind farms, a green measure on which Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy has gambled his legacy."
Og svo framvegis. Žeir vilja meina aš vindmillurnar drepi hvali. Einhvernvegin. Og aš viršist vera mįliš.
Klassķskt vandamįl.
Allir vilja bśa ķ Sovét Rśsslandi
"When officials in England's Oxford decided to implement their version of the concept, things got out of hand. The idea was to install traffic filters cameras that can read car license plate numbers to monitor traffic. Those without resident permits or a certain exemption would be fined. The reason behind the initiative, according to authorities, was to facilitate the functioning of the bus network and reduce traffic jams. However, residents didnt welcome the idea. Some even imagined that the filters would become physical barriers and that locals would be confined to their districts."
Well duh.
Mikill Sigurgeir ķ žessu. Mjög woke.
Žekktur barnageldari montar sig af glępum
"The trans-identified male activist orders more drugs than required in order to be able to fulfill the role of illegal hormone supplier to youth who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex."
Sumir eru aš fara aš fį Darwin veršlaun.
Gešsjśklingar eru nojašir.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.