14.3.2023 | 16:14
Bíll framtíðarinnar er nazista-vélmenni
1984 var ekki einhver "How to" manúall
"The woke Welsh government is rewriting history again, likely spelling the end for monuments of significant historical figures such as the Duke of Wellington, Admiral Lord Nelson, Henry Morton Stanley, and countless other "old white men," as the government calls them."
"A pre-print study published in February 2023 by Dr. Wilson Sy shows an incredible analysis of excess mortality data in Australia. Based on his research and analysis of the data, Dr. Sy concluded that there is an excess death rate in 2021 that is 7-fold higher than than 2020 and 14-fold in 2022. The 2022 data was only available up to September 2022. Dr. Sy predicts the final months of 2022 could amount to a 19-fold increase overall for that year.
Davison joined an Indiana Chamber of Commerce roundtable discussion on the impacts of COVID-19. In this discussion, he revealed their group life insurance was seeing the highest death rates theyve ever seen in the history of this business. He says this increase of 40% excess mortality over pre pandemic levels is consistent throughout the industry and that it is primarily working aged people that are 18-64 that are dying. Davison emphasizes that a 3-sigma or 1 in 200 year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic, so a 40% [increase] is just unheard of."
Hvað var Scott Adams aftur að segja?
"On February 23, a group of eight minors brutally beat a woman in the area of 15th and Chestnut Streets, in the popular Center City area of downtown, at around 7:12 pm as she was heading to her hair appointment. The suspects are black, the victim is white, in a city that often sees racial tensions."
Avril Lavigne vs. einhver rugludallur
"Video from the event shows Avril speaking to the crowd, when a woman behind her takes the stage. No action is taken until Lavigne noticed the protestor, to which she told her to "get the f*ck off, bitch" as a security guard began to escort the young woman off. Avril continued to speak, and the show continued on without interruption."
Allt fór fram friðsamlega, aldrei þessu vant.
"Business Insider reports that Facebook has announced another round of layoffs, this time cutting 10,000 workers in an effort to improve the companys financial position. This follows a mass layoff of 11,000 workers in November of last year, which CEO Mark Zuckerberg described at the time as a last resort."
10 ástæður þess að Buzzfeed er á leið beint á hausinn.
Þegar þið hélduð að nazistarnir hefðu verið slæmir...
"Prof. Manuel Frondel, a member of the RWI Essen (Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Essen) think-tank, has lashed out at Robert Habeck, Germanys economics and climate change minister, saying that the country is devolving into an eco-dictatorship under his watch.
The statement was in response to Habecks latest great reset plan which will see oil and gas heating completely banned in the country from 2045, with the minister also planning to implement restrictions on heating systems allowed in the German market much earlier."
Enginn hiti, enginn matur, enginn iðnaður. Frábær framtíð sem þeir hyggjast byggja.
"The Verge reports that GM is planning to implement OpenAIs ChatGPT AI into its vehicles. The development is part of a broader collaboration with Microsoft and could result in the woke chatbot performing various services..."
Microsoft! Já, þetta er það sem fólk vill að keyri bílinn...
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
Eina sem hægt er að hrósa gyðingum fyrir, að þeim tókst að sannfæra jarðarbúa um að six million hefðu verið myrtir af þjóðverjum.
Enginn verkfræðingur hefur staðfest þessa tölu enn sem komið er.
(þeirra útreikningar ná tölum eins og 200-700 þ.)
Loncexter, 14.3.2023 kl. 17:45
Ekki nenni ég að velta mér uppúr einhverjum morðum sem voru framin áður en foreldrar mónir fæddust.
Hitt er annað, að ég kæri mig ekki um að einhverjir rafmagns-sósíalsitar stýri bílnum mínum.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 15.3.2023 kl. 15:58
Gyðingar eru enn mjög upppteknir af morðum sem þjóðverjar frömdu áður en foreldrar mínir fæddust.. Sérstaklega fornleifur.
Þeir sem þekkja sögu Júda, sjá að þeir voru nokkuð stórtækir sjálfir í þjóðernishreinsunum fyrir allnokkrum öldum síðan. Fornleifur hefur lítið minnst á það.
Loncexter, 15.3.2023 kl. 17:50
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.