Í dag fer allt á hausinn aftur.

Ofbeldisfullur hópur barnageldara er með uppsteit

"A violent crowd smashed windows at UC Davis because Charlie Kirk was there. The college’s chancellor and The Sacramento Bee added fuel to the fire by falsely saying Kirk called for lynching trans people."

Hverjum hefði dottið í hug að fólk sem vill skera kynfærin af börnum gæti verið ofbeldishneigt?

Biden vs DeSantis um það mál

Credit Suisse í vandræðum

"Unlike Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the Swiss lender is classified as systemically important by the US Financial Stability Board — meaning it’s too big to fail as a collapse has the potential to trigger a financial crisis."


Peter Sciff er bara jákvæður


OK, well, then where’s the money going to come from? The man in the moon? Of course, the taxpayers are going to pay. But they may not pay in the form of taxes because nobody has the integrity to actually raise middle-class taxes. But that doesn’t mean the taxpayers are going to get away with this. They’re going to pay for it. It’s just that they’re not going to pay for it with higher taxes. They’re going to pay for it with higher prices.”

Peter is referring to the inflation tax."

Þetta er þegar hafið.

"Trading had to be halted for a number of bank stocks, including Credit Suisse, due to the steep losses. The Swiss banking giant was down 28% in afternoon trading, while Societe Generale, which also temporarily halted trading, was down 12%."

Það er ekkert dularfullt við þetta gjaldþrot

Hinn heimsfrægi tónlistamaður Donald Trump með lag á Nr. 1 á Ætjúns

Getiði dansað við þetta?

Riddarinn í Queen

"Legendary British guitarist Brian May was knighted on Tuesday by King Charles III in Buckingham Palace."

Gott show.


60% Bandaríkjamanna átta sig á að kolefnistrú er trú

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. voters agree – including 47% who Strongly Agree – with Vivek Ramasamy’s recent statement that climate change has become a religion that “actually has nothing to do with the climate” and is really about power and control. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree with Ramaswamy’s statement, including 25% who Strongly Disagree."

Þetta síast allt inn.



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