Strķš og ófrišur

Žaš er deginum ljósara hverjir eru ķ raun aš eigast viš žarna

"A total of 17 EU member states plus Norway have signed a joint agreement on the procurement of ammunition to strengthen Ukraine’s defense capabilities, the Brussels-based European Defense Agency (EDA) announced on Monday."

Allt til aš halda svikamillunni gangandi eins lengi og hęgt er.

Uhm... jęja.

"The exact quote: “either Ukraine will defend its independence today, or we will have to enter this conflict. Because our main values, which were the basis of our civilization, and our culture will be threatened. Therefore, we will have no choice but to enter the conflict.”

The immediately triggered retreat by the EU IS HERE.  However, this statement happened on the same day Politico reported: NATO is racing to arm its Russian borders. Can it find the weapons?"

Allt mjög įgętt, aušvitaš.

Žaš veršur ekkert śr žessu, held ég.

Her Noršur Kóreu berst viš annaš vandamįl

"Hundreds of thousands of North Korean troops are mobilizing to help plant and harvest crops. The country’s military is ā€‹rejiggering some of its munitions factories to produce tractors and threshing machines, while also ā€‹converting some airfields ā€‹into greenhouses. Soldiers are reportedly being asked to extend their service by three years and spend them on farms."

Noršur Kórea er mikiš öšruvķsi.

Rśssar selja Kķnverjum gręjur

"On Tuesday Russia’s TASS News announced that Russia has developed a long-range thermal imaging reconnaissance system based on artificial intelligence.

In July 2021, Russia test-fired its new 6,100 mph hypersonic Zircon missile. The weapon is capable of evading all Western defenses."


Indónesķa nennir engu veseni

"Last week, Indonesian President Joko Widodo urged regional authorities to wean themselves away from foreign payment systems and start using cards issued by local banks. He argued that Indonesia needed to shield itself from geopolitical disruptions, citing the sanctions targeting Russia’s financial sector from the US, EU, and their allies over the conflict in Ukraine."

Hann hefur ekki rangt fyrir sér.

Į mešan, ķ Sviss.


Loftslags-Gollum fęr heišusrgrįšu ķ Gušfręši

"The Faculty of Theology at the University of Helsinki has awarded Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg an honorary doctorate."

Višeigandi, žar sem hśn fęst viš trśarbrögš.

Hefši geta veriš verra...

Hefši geta veriš psychotherapist.

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