23.3.2023 | 21:33
Framtķšin er ęšisleg į allan hįtt, nema flestan
Žjóšverjar efast um getu hersins til aš verjast įrįs
"The majority in the country, the poll asserts, also reportedly view the German state as being unable to defend itself, a viewpoint that appears to largely be in keeping with those in the countrys government.
Such a situation has reportedly only been made worse by Germanys support for Ukraine, with the nations military reportedly left with massive supply shortages after the ruling traffic light coalition decided to donate large swathes of its weapons and ammo stockpiles to the invaded nation."
Engin vopn, og žeir starta illdeilum viš eitt öflugasta herveldi į jöršinni.
Žaš er of sent aš laga žetta. Žeir hafa ķ mesta lagi įr til žess aš vopna alla, eftir žaš eru žeir fökkt.
Viš erum žįtttakendur ķ žessu lķka. Sama setup: almenningur er ekki mjög vel vopnašur (betur en Žjóšverjar samt), erum aš reiša okkur į her sem veršur brįtt upptekinn viš annaš, fįvita-yfirvöld...
Viš gefum bara innrįsarhernum kaffi og kleinur.
Ķslensk hernašar-strategķa ķ hnotskurn.
Žjóšverjar mótmęla hugmyndum EB um aš starta öšru Holodomor
"400 tractors reportedly descended on the North Sea town of Büsum on Wednesday to protest great reset policies being imposed by the EU and implemented by Berlin on their behalf.
The farmers today have also been joined by at least 60 fishing trawlers, who are set to hold a demonstration at sea in protest of an EU ban on certain types of trawling, a move that is set to severely damage Germanys shrimp fishing industry"
Yfirvöld allstašar viršast vilja myrša alla ķ heiminum.
Rķkiš mun śtskśfa žér į allan hįtt ef žś ert ekki nógu kindarlegur
"Maria shared that for approximately one month she noticed that her bank card was not working at most ATMs. She recently rang ING Bank to see whether there was anything wrong with her card, or her account, or any flags on their end that would be restricting her card access, they advised there was nothing showing on their end.
INGs refusal to answer our questions led us to believe that this may be politically motivated. This timing coincides with a hit piece run by 60 minutes on the Wieambilla tragedy, where I am featured warning about Australian soldiers training to turn against Australian people, and Channel 9 is indirectly lumping me in with domestic terrorists:"
Žess vegna hękkar Bitcoin ķ verši.
Biden og Co ętlušu aš beila Moderna śt
"the Biden Department of Justice is working to use YOUR taxpayer dollars to bail out Moderna.
Moderna has received $10 billion in taxpayer money to make the Covid vax that was pushed on Americans despite the health risks. Genevant Sciences and Arbutus Biopharma Corporation sued Moderna in 2022, saying that the company used tech that they patented.
The Biden DOJ, on its own, decided to insert itself into the middle of this mess, presumably, to save Moderna's biscuits."
Sheila Jackson er jafn mikill bjįni og flestir Ķslendingar
"Lee spoke in support of the ATF and the stabilizer brace rule, saying, "I commend the ATF for their work in identifying a problem and providing guidance to prevent the harm created by the misuse of stabilizing braces, which convert everyday firearms into killing machines.""
... ekki horfa į mig, hśn sagši žetta.
Var reyndar fariš aš gruna aš žetta vęri raunin...
"The Writers Guild of America (WGA) has given a thumbs up to artificial intelligence penning scripts so long as the writers keep their credits and residuals."
Future events such as these will effect you in the future.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.