Ameríkanar þurfa að vera vel vopnaðir til að berjast við kynskiftinga

Á meðan þurfa Úkraniumenn að berjast við Rússa.


... já.  Einmitt.

Yfirvöld segja trönnum að myrða

"Josselyn Berry, the press secretary for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (D), seriously tweeted this hours after a transgender militant brought two rifles and a handgun to shoot up a Nashville Christian school, killing 6 people."


Twitter er fullt af kommúnistum, þeir hugsa kommúnista hluti og plotta kommúnista aðgerðir.

Það verður meira af þessu.  Trannarnir ætla að hefna sín vegna þess að tranni myrti fullt af börnum, og það ögnar trönnum.  Einhvern vegin.  Ekki hugsa of djúpt um það, þetta eru sturluð illmenni.

Ef þu styður kommana ferðu á hausinn

"Woke pizza chain Hotlips is closing three of its five Portland stores. The company claimed the latest closures were also due to the pandemic, as well as "labor and economic stresses."

Hotlips was known not just for its pizza, local ingredients and fruit sodas, but also for supporting radical causes. On social media platforms the chain called for supporting and donating to the Southern Poverty Law Center, BLM, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Oregon Justice Reform Center, a Portland based legal group that represents Antifa."

Gott á þá.

Í and-kommúnískari fréttum

"Two New Orleans high school seniors claim to have solved the Pythagorean theorem using trigonometry — a method academics have held to be a logical impossibility for nearly two thousand years."

... ok.

Svo 2+2 eru 4.

Núverandi Bandaríkjastjórn er að gera þetta

"The BRICS coalition has become the hottest ticket in geopolitics. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (the BRICS) have been toying with the idea of forming a political/monetary counterweight to U.S. dominance since 2001. But beyond some aggressive gold buying by Russia and China, there was more talk than action.

China brokers a peace deal between Saudia Arabie and Iran, two bitter historical enemies who want to join the BRICS alliance but can’t if they’re in an undeclared war. Should they stop competing and start cooperating they could dominate the Middle East and raise China’s clout in the region, at the petrodollar’s expense."

Dollarinn verður jafn mikilvægur og krónan með þessu áframhaldi.

Kínverjar vilja meina það

"China’s state-run Global Times on Monday mocked the Biden administration for trying to compete with China for the affections of Africa by spending a fraction of the money Beijing has invested on the continent."


"City authorities say that 93,000 people took part in the protest, down from 119,000 at a similar rally last Thursday. A total of 740,000 people protested in towns and cities across France, the interior ministry said. Labor unions and protest organizers have repeatedly accused the government of undercounting attendance, with the CGT union estimating the turnout in Paris alone at 450,000."


Ég veit, þessir gaurar vita.  Vitið þið?

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