1.4.2023 | 22:09
Í dag og í gær.
Fólk reynist gáfaðra en ég hélt
"Last Sundays Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030 referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media and hefty donations coming from left wing activists from the east and west coasts of USA.
Once the dust of the referendum had settled, it emerged that the yes side fell way short of the quorum 608,000 votes needed to pass the measure. Only 442,210 cast a vote in favor, which represents only 18% of Berlins eligible voters. The activists expected a far greater turnout. 82% refused to lend any support."
Hverslags hálfvitar eru kolefnistrúarmenn annars?
"Radical trans activists invaded the Florida state Capitol on Friday in anger over state legislators voting to protect children from school indoctrination and safeguard parental rights.
The crazed protest comes just days after a transgender terrorist murdered six people, including three children at a private Christian school in Nashville.
The trans activists in Tallahassee were furious over a bill called HB 1069. The legislation would bar school employees from asking students for their pronouns and sharing their own pronouns if they do not correspond to that persons sex."
Má hvorki nauðga börnunum né skera undan þeim. Er furða að þeir séu að myrða?
"Russia has significantly boosted production of ammunition to support its troops in the Ukraine conflict, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Saturday.
At the time, he also noted that while the West continued to send arms and munitions to Ukraine, the Russian defense industrial complex would produce much more weapons than Kiev would receive from its backers."
Einhver lak "source code" Twitter...
"Developer Steven Tey dug into the code and found that there is a mechanism through which the US government can "intervene" with the code.
"When needed, the government can intervene with the Twitter algorithm," Tey wrote. "In fact, @TwitterEng (Twitter Engineering) even has a class for it 'GovernmentRequested.'""
... jæja.
Mmm... duló.
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