2.4.2023 | 17:05
Annar Apríl
Maður dæmdur í fangelsi fyrir brandara
"Mackey was convicted of election interference and faces up to ten years in prison, all because of a meme he tweeted during the 2016 election. Yes, you read that right: a meme."
Svona fellur siðmenningin.
Trannar og barnageldarar beita ofbeldi
"Multiple people joined in the f**k you chants. Then the trans individual violently assaulted Chris.
The police stood around while all this happened and did absolutely nothing.
Elston announced after the assaults he is planning on suing the Vancouver Police Department for their dereliction of duty."
Bara heppni að þeir myrtu engan í þetta sinn.
"Exports of wine from Italy to Russia saw a year-on-year increase of 16% in 2022, surging to a record high of 172 million ($187 million) in monetary terms, the Italian association of agricultural producers, Coldiretti, announced on Saturday."
Viðskiftastríð, hvað er nú það?
Úr annarri átt.
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Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.