
Finnland í NATO

"Meanwhile, the Finnish leader who helped push hard for NATO entry in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine has just conceded defeat after Sunday's parliamentary election, in a major setback for the Finnish left...

"Finland’s left-wing Prime Minister Sanna Marin conceded defeat on Sunday in the Nordic country’s parliamentary election as the opposition right-wing National Coalition Party (NCP) claimed victory in a tightly fought contest," CNN reports Monday."

Kommúnisti út, geðheilbrigðir menn inn.

Mexíkó að pæla í að ganga í BRICS

"Mexico has expressed its interest in joining the BRICS group of emerging economies, which currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, said that Mexico shares the vision and values of the BRICS and hopes to deepen its cooperation with them in various fields, especially in medicine and trade.

Mexico’s move comes amid growing tensions with its northern neighbor, the United States, over issues such as immigration, border security, trade and human rights."

Arriba, andele.

Smá mexíkönsk músík.

Meira af sama

"Following the US Federal Reserve’s sharpest tightening in monetary policy in decades, India has offered its currency as an alternative for trade to nations that are experiencing a shortage of dollars, Bloomberg reported."

Nýr forsætisráðaherra Nýja Sjálands er bjáni

"New Zealand’s new Prime Minister doesn’t know what a woman is, despite replacing one as Prime Minister."

Bjargað af súkkulaði

"And Patricia Borges thought she was going to be among those killed in the blast as she found herself hurled off the ladder she was climbing.

She tried to run, but the floor gave way below her, and she fell into a giant vat of chocolate in the factory's basement.

...a rescue dog caught her scent, and rescuers pulled her free."


"A car thief stole a truck in San Antonio, Texas.

The owner called the police and reported his stolen truck, but stolen vehicles are not ever that high on the list of police priorities, so the owner tracked down his truck himself with an Apple AirTag he had left in it.

Police said that when they arrived, they found several bullets in the truck and one dead thief.

It's just that, in the land of Texas justice, officials haven't even decided if they're going to charge the owner in the shooting--I mean you can't just steal a man's truck and not expect to get shot."

Eh.  Sleppið honum bara. Það er ágætt að hafa þennan lausan.

Ef þú fattar þetta ekki, þá hefur þú ekki verið að fylgjast með.

Í Ecuador er hugsað í lausnum

"Reuters noted that crime has reached a point where it is hard to curtail, and Lasso hopes to find some degree of respite in allowing citizens to be armed for self-defense.

Lasso pointed out that, in addition to implementing the curfew and allowing civilians to be armed, his government is carrying out a “crusade for security,” which entails locating and arresting 15 high-value targets believed to be tied to the leadership of criminal gangs."

Berjist gegn glæpum með því að skjóta á móti.

... reyndar mexíkanskt.

Vélmenni sannfærir kolefnistrúarmann um að fremja sjálfsmorð

"Pierre had reportedly grown more socially isolated and anxious about climate change and the environment, turning to the Chai app, where he chose a chatbot named Eliza as his confidante. Claire, Pierre’s widow, claims that the chatbot encouraged Pierre to commit suicide."

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