10.4.2023 | 21:07
Gįšu aš žvķ hvaš žś bišur um
Kaninn veit.
"Arnór Sigurjónsson, fyrrum skrifstofustjóri į varnarmįlaskrifstofu Utanrķkisrįšuneytisins, gaf śt bók ķ byrjun mars og śtfęrir stofnun hers į Ķslandi. Nefnist hśn Ķslenskur her breyttur heimur, nżr veruleiki. Kostnašurinn viš her Arnórs yrši um 66 milljaršar į įri."
Žetta er įhugavert: "Fengi ég frekara fjįrmagn til aš rįšstafa myndi ég ekki rįšstafa žvķ ķ aš byggja upp her heldur ķ önnur verkefni, segir Žórdķs."
Annaš? Hvaš meš göng til Vestmannaeyja. Miklu betri en her. Nżtist ķ eitthvaš annaš en aš myrša Ķslendinga, til dęmis, og viš vitum öll aš žaš veršur tilgangurinn.
Žetta geršist.
"As the values of our society continue to be transformed, more chaos is inevitable.
And the biggest killers are not the violent predators that are roaming our streets.
As I will detail in a bombshell article that I will post later today for my paid subscribers on Substack, the biggest killers of all are those that roam the halls of power all over this nation.
From the very top to the very bottom, our entire society has become infused with great evil."
Hver vill eki vera myrtur af NKVD?
FBI į einhverjum villigötum, aš vanda
"The documents are titled Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremism and in them, they contained a glossary of several words that the FBI claimed were used by incel extremists.
The terms red pill, Chad, and based were all considered to be extremist rhetoric."
Žetta minnir mig į senuna ķ "Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas," žar sem žeir fara į lpögreglu-žingiš žarna...
Ekkert breytist.
"The LinkedIn account of Connor Sturgeon has also been shared on Twitter. Next to his name, the words He/Him appear, indicating that he has bought into the leftist narrative that your biological sex is irrelevant and that its up to the individual to identify themselves by using their choice of pronouns."
Annar kommśnisti.
Leitiš aš rétta fólkinu.
"A spokesman for West Midlands Police confirmed two people were arrested in the museum at around 10am on suspicion of conspiracy to cause criminal damage.
The force added that 'two large bags of dry paint were also seized by officers' and that 'protest liaison officers' are still at the scene to 'keep people safe and limit disruption to a minimum'."
Žessir kolefnistrśarmenn...
Steven van Zantd segir žér aš myrša
"To avoid spending half my day deleting Foxsucking scumbag Russian bots and MAGOTT cockroaches like you! Go take away some womens rights, keep some Black people from voting, go harass a Trans event, go shoot some kids, do what Republicans do best and get the fuck outta my feed!"
Žegar menn horfa of mikiš į RŚV...
Žś žarft her... ekki.
"Į įrinu 2022 dóu aš mešaltali 51,3 ķ hverri viku eša fleiri en įrin 2017-2021 žegar 43,8 dóu aš mešaltali."
5 įra mešaltališ mun jafna sig... ef žiš vitiš eitthvaš um tölfręši, eša bara hafiš lįgmarks skilning į stęršfręši įttiši ykkur į hvaš ég meina meš žvķ.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.