
Menn dreifa eiturefnaúrgangi um víðan völl.

"Weeks after a train derailment and ‘controlled burn’ of the toxic spill poisoned the air and water in the town, a truck carrying the toxic soil away from the site overturned, dumping its contents just miles away."

Minnir mig á þetta:

NPR í fýlu

"NPR stopped tweeting last week after being labeled "state-affiliated media," and although Twitter since tweaked the classification slightly to "government-funded media," the outlet had already made up its mind.

On Wednesday, National Public Radio stated that it would be "stepping away" from Twitter..."

Tranna reiði

"A source who viewed the interior vehicle video recording of the brutal murder of a taxi driver in Portland by a trans suspect is providing exclusive details to The Post Millennial.

Moses Jacob Lopez, 30, has been charged with second-degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon over the stabbing murder of a Radio Cab driver on Easter Sunday in southeast Portland.

 the video captured Lopez entering the car while wearing a tiara and women’s clothing. She gives an address to the driver and several minutes into the ride, Lopez suddenly plunged a blade deep into the neck of the unsuspecting driver.

While police have not released any information about a possible motive, the Easter Sunday stabbing murder happened in the context of a surge of trans activists encouraging violence and making threats on social media as revenge for several states restricting the medical transitioning of minors."

Þegar þeir mega ekki skera undan börnum, þá byrja þeir að myrða fólk af handahófi.

sumir nást áður en þeir ná að hrinda áætlunum sínum í framkvæmd.

Á meðan er FBI gjörsamlega úti á engi

"...He knew that it looked beyond the pale, and it is beyond the pale, Sean, for the FBI to be going into any church in America and trying to spy on Americans, and now we know that's exactly what they were doing. They are infiltrating churches. They are trying to spy on us.”

“They regard churches apparently as the enemy and church-going Americans as akin to terrorists, And, yeah, the attorney general sat right there and told me, no, we don't do that, and now we know they do, in fact, target churches, and they have been."

...ef þú veist...

Bófar stela bílum í gegnum framljósin

"Manufacturers are reportedly scrambling to secure communication systems in their vehicles after thieves discovered new methods to bypass advanced security systems. In some cases, crooks are taking control of vehicles by hacking their headlights."


Var ekki vandamál in ðe seventís.

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