Djúpsteiktar leðurblökur og fleira gott

Arnie lagar þetta

""This location is not a pothole," a city spokesperson told the outlet. "It's a service trench that relates to active, permitted work being performed at the location by SoCal Gas, who expects the work to be completed by the end of May.""


Á meðan, í Þýzkalandi

"A federal police patrol pulled over a suspicious van that had entered from Belgium and during a search, they found nearly 2,000 pounds of fish and boxes of fried bats stored under the unrefrigerated seafood."

Þetta er náttúrlega forboði allskonar tíðinda

"A new paper from Germany posted on April 5, 2023 proves that the spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes death of brain cells [...]. (click here)

Proteins related to the neurodegeneration pathway and damage to the blood-brain barrier were the most prominent dysregulated molecules in the brain.

We identified several candidate proteins with no previous association with COVID-19, especially those earlier associated with neurological diseases…notably, their role has been associated with disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia"

Þið eruð svo fukt.

Barnageldarar fara ekki til Flórída, og mæla ekki með ferðum þangað fyrir aðra barnageldara

"Equality Florida says it has taken the extraordinary step of issuing the warning to anyone considering visiting or relocating to the state after receiving “a wave of safety inquiries…following the passage of laws that are hostile to the LGBTQ community, restrict access to reproductive health care, repeal gun safety laws, foment racial prejudice, and attack public education by banning books and censoring curriculum.”

The healthcare restrictions to which Smith is referring are those that prohibit doctors from performing experimental sex changes on adolescents...

Equality Florida also appears to be objecting to a proposed bill that seeks to prohibit books with pornographic content being available on school library shelves."

Þeir eru í fýlu því þeir mega hvorki nauðga börnum né skera undan þeim. Góð ástæða til að fara í fýlu, það.

Hvað segja systur minar við þessu?

Perrarnir geta farið til Washington og skorið undan börnum þar

"A so-called "shield law" that will turn Washington into a sanctuary state for abortions and gender-altering surgeries including for minors passed out of the state Senate on Monday..."

Darwin er að fara að redda þessu.

Mér er sagt að það sé mjög pervertískt að vera hvorki barnanauðgari né nekrófíll.

... hvað?

Hvað ætli sé langt í að Píratar fari að haga sér svona?

Pönkið er öðruvísi núna

"In his younger days, he described it as a duty for punk rockers to "kick against the establishment. That was not me. I was much more concerned with irritating my peers and…my audience. What I mean by irritating is to ignite their imagination, get them thinking about things, and challenge them about things. This felt like the way to make good art—to confront people.""

Nick Cave.

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