16.4.2023 | 17:26
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Það er ekki bara Íslenska ríkið sem er samansafn af kolefnistrúðum.
Í Kalíforníu ráða kolefnistrúarmenn.
"Californias headlong rush to replace its electricity grid with renewable energy has given the rest of the country a preview of the decarbonized future that President Biden and his revived Clean Power Plan envision for America.
Inefficient energy markets, unpredictable price spikes, unreliable power sources, and a hostile regulatory environment have all contributed to a 40 percent increase in the average California electric bill over the last five years. Retirees, low-income households, and middle-class families bear the brunt of the higher prices. Millions of Californians now stretch their already strained budgets just to cover food, fuel, shelter, and an ever-rising electricity bill."
Íslenska ríkið hefur núna drepið örugglega 1000 manns með eitri
Landlæknisembættið faldi 2000 tilkynningar um aukaverkanir árið 2020. Svo fokk þeir.
Hver man ekki eftir feisbúkk grúppinni, þar sem 2000+ konur voru að kvarta undan tíða-truflunum vegna "bólufefnisins."
Kristín Þormar hefur meira handa ykkur.
Sameinuðu þjóðirnar eru vafasamar
"On page 22 of the report, the UN states, "With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage."
The report continues, "Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law.""
Ekki rangt.
"China revised its conscription policy this week, announcing that people with military experience along with college students will be on top of military draft lists if the country enters a war.
The new rules, which take effect on May 1, will help the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) with recruiting more high-caliber soldiers and improving the efficiency of the conscription system, the statement said."
Boðar áhugaverða framtíð.
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