21.4.2023 | 00:05
Hinir ofbeldisfullu leftistar
Leftistar vilja myrša. (Hvaš annaš vilja žeir?)
Stuš og stemming.
Leftistar komast upp meš aš myrša.
"Marxist BLM terrorists assaulted police officers during a riot in Akron Wednesday night after a grand jury declined on Monday to indict the eight police officers who killed 25-year-old Jayland Walker.
The Gateway Pundit reported that on June 27th, Walker was shot more than 40 times by police in Akron, Ohio, after refusing to stop for them, initiating a dangerous car chase, and firing at officers from his vehicle."
"Denmark and the Netherlands announced Thursday that they plan to provide Ukraine with at least 14 refurbished German-made Leopard 2 battle tanks, to be supplied from early 2024."
... jį. Gerir lķtiš gagn śr žessu.
Flórķda mašurinn meš allskonar hugmyndir
""Today, I signed legislation ensuring the victims of the most heinous crimes get justice," DeSantis tweeted after signing the bill. "Once a defendant in a capital case is found guilty by a unanimous jury, one juror should not be able to veto a capital sentence.""
Žetta er alvöru.
"What a tragic day. If fake news outlets keep shutting down like this, who will compete with The Babylon Bee? Maybe CNN will be next!"
10 įstęšur žess aš aš er ekki slęmt...
"The bloodiest conflict in the world last year was not in Ukraine but in Ethiopia...
No estimate for Ukraine is as high as the 600,000 non-combatants that reportedly lost their lives in the Tigray War between 2020 and 2022, the outlet concluded.
Figures from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) suggest approximately 22,000 civilian casualties in Ukraine, which breaks down to just over 8,000 deaths and 14,000 injured in the conflict as of March 2023."
Žar höfum viš žaš.
Flokkur: Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 00:12 | Facebook
Žaš er merkilegt aš einhverjum detti ķ hug aš fį fólk til aš borša skordżr.
Ef žaš veršur boršaš of mikiš af žeim, mį spyrja hvaš verši um fuglana og fiskana ķ įnum sem žį svelta ?
Kannski veršur einn dag bśiš aš eyša fuglum meš vindmyllum, og fiskum meš efnaglundri śr jįrnbrautaslysum ?
Loncexter, 21.4.2023 kl. 15:45
Žessir skśrkar eru aš sjį hvaš žeir komast upp meš.
Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 21.4.2023 kl. 16:25
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.