21.4.2023 | 17:08
Lögreglan stelur pönnum í Frakklandi
Enn einn ofbeldisfullur kommúnisti skilur eftir sig manifestó
"It should come as no surprise that Connor Sturgeon, the 25-year-old mass shooter of the Old National Bank in Louisville Kentucky, who decided to livestream his own heinous crime via Instragram would take another page out of Tarrant's book by authoring his own manifesto. Unlike Tarrant before him though, the rationale behind Stugeon's mass shooting didn't paint the picture of the prototypical villain that gun control advocates point to in their attempts to exploit tragedy to attack the second amendment. Instead, Sturgeon's manifesto showed that the shooting was intended to push a gun control agenda itself."
Hvað er eiginlega í þessu manifestói sem þolir ekki dagsljósið?
"It has now been weeks since trans shooter Audrey Hale attacked a school in Nashville, killing six people including three children, and the public still hasnt seen the manifesto she left behind.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald has been trying to access the document but has been blocked at every turn.
Now officials in Tennessee are claiming that the release of the document is being stalled by the FBI."
"A report on Friday from analysts at Bank of America said that although ESG equity funds outperformed their benchmarks in the first three months of the year, in part because of the surge in tech stocks, March saw the largest outflows on record since 2015. Some $14 billion flowed out of ESG funds."
Betur má ef duga skal.
"Just a single sentence fact-check using a leftwing news source, Reuters, just absolutely demolished Sleepy Joe's talking point."
Franska lögregla gerir pönnur upptækar
"Numerous anti-Macron protesters may have difficulty making dinner later today after French police reportedly confiscated saucepans in the town of Ganges ahead of a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron."
... ok.
... hvað?
"NBC News does let us know that there's "growing frustration" inside the FBI because both FBI and IRS investigators finished with their Hunter investigations around a year ago and nothing has been done.
The Washington Post previously reported that federal investigators believed they had gathered enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase."
Þegar svín fljúga.
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