22.4.2023 | 18:52
Að þekkja réttu mennina
Allt spurning um hverjum maður er tengdur.
"An Uber driver gets an AK shoved in his face, defends himself, and is convicted of murder. Alec Baldwin shoot two unarmed people killing one and walks free."
... osfrv.
USA færist nær hruni, og þeir munu draga allan heiminn með sér.
"While the manifesto has not been officially released, it seems the perp murdered these people in a bizarre anti-gun protest, killing them because he was opposed to mass shootings."
Þessi mynd er af FBI eða ATF manni, standandi á rústum aðseturs David Koresh og félaga í Waco. Þar brenndu FBI/ATF inni ansi mörg börn.
Það á ekki af Anheuser Bush að ganga
"The evidence is that Anheuser-Busch is knowingly, intentionally, and unlawfully discriminating based on race, color, national origin, and sex with respect to employment and job training opportunities," said the April 17 complaint (pdf) filed by public charity America First Legal (AFL) with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against beverage manufacturer Anheuser-Busch."
Allt í gangi.
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